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Plant Reference List - E to F
A  B  Ca  Cl  Co  D  E - F  G  Ha  Ho  Hu  I  J - K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  V - Z

030-003     Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red Purple flowers
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' has extra-large flowers (up to seven inches across) with ray-florets that are more horizontal, less drooping, than other forms. The central cone is dark golden orange. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Summer. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

030-009     Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Star'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Carmine Red flowers
Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Star' is a selection with intense carmine red rayed flowers and very sturdy stems. The petals stay flat and do not droop back like many other forms. This prairie plant is very cold hardy. Don't forget to sniff the central cone of the flower. It may be a little prickly but has a delicious fragrance.  Summer. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

030-004     Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' is shorter, more compact than the other cone flowers we sell. Very generous with its four-inch white flowers with orange brown central disks. Be sure to check out the lovely fragrance. A terrific addition to the sunny border. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Summer. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft. 2 ft.

356-001D4     Echinops ritro     ( Small globe thistle )
Sun     Zones 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
For those gardeners who like big, bold plants with dramatic foliage, Echinops ritro fits the bill. Rising to an impressive height with spiny, deeply cut gray green leaves measuring up to nine inches long, there are few other herbaceous perennials that can match it in scale. But this globe thistle is also for those who love to attract wildlife. There is always a great chorus of bees and other pollinators hovering over the 2-inch spiky, globe-shaped flower heads in the summer.  July and August. bloom   5 ft. x 3 ft.

356-005D4     Echinops sphaerocephalus 'Arctic Glow'  
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Silver Gray flowers
Echinops sphaerocephalus `Arctic Glow' is a towering thistle with delightful persistent globular flower heads of silvery gray. The large, jagged basal foliage is gray green.  Summer. bloom   6 ft. x 3 ft.

602-001D4     Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata'     ( Variegated Silverberry )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Japan. It is the foliage of this selection that catches the eye first. The four-inch long, leathery leaves are glossy. They have golden yellow centers outlined dramatically in dark and light green. This pattern is variable with green streaks in the yellow and the margins varying in width. The undersides of the leaves are ghostly in appearance due to a layer of fine white hairs. Attractive reddish stems complement the foliage. There are thorn-like structures at many of the leaf-axils but they have never hurt us. The big surprise is the waxy flowers which are hidden in the foliage. When they open, they perfume the air with sweetness. You must be out in the garden in the autumn to enjoy them. At our own nursery, we grow this mid-sized evergreen shrub on a fairly dry hillside which is open to the sun most of the day. It has thrived there and makes a lovely backdrop to its neighboring plants.  Autumn. bloom   8 ft. x 8 ft.

602-001-1     Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata'     ( Variegated Silverberry )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Japan. It is the foliage of this selection that catches the eye first. The four-inch long, leathery leaves are glossy. They have golden yellow centers outlined dramatically in dark and light green. This pattern is variable with green streaks in the yellow and the margins varying in width. The undersides of the leaves are ghostly in appearance due to a layer of fine white hairs. Attractive reddish stems complement the foliage. There are thorn-like structures at many of the leaf-axils but they have never hurt us. The big surprise is the waxy flowers which are hidden in the foliage. When they open, they perfume the air with sweetness. You must be out in the garden in the autumn to enjoy them. At our own nursery, we grow this mid-sized evergreen shrub on a fairly dry hillside which is open to the sun most of the day. It has thrived there and makes a lovely backdrop to its neighboring plants.  Autumn. bloom   8 ft. x 8 ft.

602-004D4     Eleagnus ebbingei 'Gilt Edge' (x)  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Cream flowers
The most visible feature of Eleagnus x ebbingei 'Gilt Edge' is its dramatic, evergreen leaves which are dark green margined in gold. What is not so evident are its flowers that hide under the leaves and are rarely visible. Even if they are out of sight, they are not out of mind because they produce a delicious fragrance that perfumes the autumn garden. This older European hybrid, a cross between E. macrophylla and E. pungens reflexa, is fairly new to the trade in North America. We use it as a background plant but treasure it most in the winter when its leathery leaves seem to be at their most glowing.  October. bloom   10 ft. x 10 ft.

570-002D4     Eleutherococcus sieboldianus 'Variegatus'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Green White flowers
For many years, this shrub was known to us as Acanthopanax. It has taken a while to get used to saying Eleutherococcus sieboldianus 'Variegatus'. Hopefully the name will not deter customers from buying this attractive Japanese shrub. Because it is deciduous, it is easy to see its densely branched shape in winter. The stippled branches are both arching and upright. It is also possible to see the short thorns at the base of each dormant leaf bud. All of this becomes invisible in the spring when the leaves begin to grow. Even though the cream variegation is irregular on the mid-green leaves, the overall effect is a sense of balance between green and white. The small star-shaped flowers are solitary and give rise to small black fruits later in the summer.  Late spring. bloom   11 ft. x 8-9 ft.

940-001D4     Embothrium coccineum     ( Chilean fire bush )
Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Scarlet flowers
We were once reluctant to grow this tree in our garden because we had heard it was not winter hardy in the Pacific Northwest. Our friend Roger Gossler of Gossler Nursery Farms encouraged us to try it. We are glad we did. This particular selection of Embothrium coccineum has been slower to grow than the other two we have tried. Now, after eight years in the garden, it stands less than ten feet. Size, however, has not prevented it from putting on an amazing show. Racemes of brilliant tubular flowers set the garden ablaze. When it is not in bloom, the narrow, lance-shaped, mid-green foliage creates a nice back-drop for surrounding perennials. We planted this evergreen tree in a protected site to keep it safe from drying winter winds and to give it shade from the hottest sun..  May, June. bloom   30 ft. x 15 ft.

940-003D4     Embothrium coccineum 'Norquinco Valley'     ( Chilean flame bush )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10, 11 Scarlet flowers
Embothrium coccineum 'Norquinco Valley' is said to be among the hardiest selections of Chilean flame bush. It comes from a river valley which begins in the interior of southern Argentina. We have grown it now for about six years and our specimen came through a week of single digit temperatures in early December with no loss. Our specimen is about six feet tall and only a few feet wide. The dense clusters of brilliant, waxy flowers really do excite visitors to our garden. The evergreen, narrowly lance-shaped leaves measure 5 inches in length.  Late spring and early summer. bloom   30 ft. x 15 ft.

940-003-1     Embothrium coccineum 'Norquinco Valley'     ( Chilean flame bush )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10, 11 Scarlet flowers
Embothrium coccineum 'Norquinco Valley' is said to be among the hardiest selections of Chilean flame bush. It comes from a river valley which begins in the interior of southern Argentina. We have grown it now for about six years and our specimen came through a week of single digit temperatures in early December with no loss. Our specimen is about six feet tall and only a few feet wide. The dense clusters of brilliant, waxy flowers really do excite visitors to our garden. The evergreen, narrowly lance-shaped leaves measure 5 inches in length.  Late spring and early summer. bloom   30 ft. x 15 ft.

663-002-1     Enkianthus campanulatus     ( Redvein enkianthus )
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Creamy Yellow flowers
Best grown in an open woodland setting, these slow-growing, deciduous shrubs are most often celebrated for their colorful autumn foliage which echoes Japanese maples in the brilliance of their orange and red leaves. Enkianthus campanulatus has many other charms as well, not the least of which are its clusters of small, rounded bell-shaped flowers which are delicately veined in red. These give way to green fruits that darken with age. In addition, the rounded, somewhat lance-shaped leaves are matte green and appear in a whorled pattern on the branches, a pleasing composition. Because it blooms on the previous year's wood, if you must prune, do so immediately after flowering.  May to June. bloom   6-10 ft. x 4-6 ft.

322-038Qt     Epimedium 'After Midnight' (Reeck)     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Introduced by Diana Reeck of Collector's Nursery. For some reason the early leaves of this epimedium remind us more of the jazz standard ''Round Midnight" than 'After Midnight'. This is because those leaves are encircled with a broad band of near black color. Needless to say, they are very attractive. As they mature, they lose that band of black and turn a uniform green. The fairly large white flowers have both white sepals and corollas. This clumping, deciduous perennial is easy to grow. We grow ours in a woodland setting with ferns, lamiums and cyclamens at the base of taller shrubs.  Spring. bloom   8-12 in. x 8-12 in.

322-024     Epimedium 'Black Sea'  
Part Shade, Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink/Pale Yellow flowers
When we first planted Epimedium 'Black Sea', we wondered how it got its name. It wasn't until the autumn of that year that we began to understand as the evergreen leaves changed from glossy blue green to purple black. This is a dramatic change. The winter foliage holds so attractively on its red stems that we hesitate to cut it back in February when we know we should to allow the flowering stems and then the new foliage to emerge. We wish that we could delay the cut-back because the pale flowers would look lovely against that dark foliage. If only! But then we see the airy flower stems bearing their small, delicate flowers of soft yellow inner sepals topped with pinkish outer sepals and we find yet another pleasure in this sturdy groundcover.  April. bloom   16 in. x spreading

322-004Qt     Epimedium cantabrigense     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pinkish Beige/ Yellow flowers
Epimedium x cantabrigense: (Epimedium alpinum x E. pubigerum) This evergreen groundcover is named for the city of Cambridge, England, where it was found in the garden of St. John's College. The flowering stems can reach 2 feet with flowers of pinkish sepals and yellow nectaries.  Spring. bloom   2 ft. x indefinite

322-042QT     Epimedium davidii  
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
We have grown this more than a decade in our garden and have always enjoyed its compact habit and the small, somewhat glossy, cordate foliage. The leaves are serrated along their edges with what look like tiny spines. In the sping, flowering stems bear up to 24 yellow flowers on short stems. This is short in stature and easy to accommodate in any garden. Epimedium davidii hales from the western Sichuan area of China.  Midspring to early summer bloom   12 in. x 18 in.

322-052     Epimedium grandiflorum 'First Kiss'     ( Barrenwort )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Rosy Lavender and White flowers
The flowers of 'First Kiss' are relatively large and showy with the richly colored sepals dramatically extending spider-like over the white and pink petals. In addition, the dark red flower stems and the halo of red on the margins of the young leaves are ideal complements. Epimedium grandiflorums are herbaceous, the leaves die back in winter and new growth emerges with the flower stems in spring.  Spring. bloom   12 in. x 18 in.

322-015     Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee'     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Lilac Purple flowers
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee' is often sold as 'Lilac Fairy' which is its translation. That name gives the gardener a good image of the appearance of the delicate long-spurred flowers which are held above the foliage. We cut the old foilage back in mid-winter to allow a clear view of the flowers and of the attractive unfurling of the new foliage which is tinged maroon. As they age, the leaves turn green but they do take on lovely coppery tints in the autumn. True to the specific name, the leaves of this selection are fairly large, measuring about 3 inches in length.  Spring. bloom   10-15 In. x 24 in.

322-029     Epimedium grandiflorum 'Nanum'     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Nanum' is a dwarf form of the species. A fine, low, clumping, deciduous groundcover.  Spring. bloom   3 in. x 8 in.

322-054     Epimedium grandiflorum 'Yellow Princess'     ( Barrenwort )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Cream and Soft Yellow flowers
Creamy sepals arch over the soft yellow petals of the showy flowers. The bronze edge of the new foliage and bronze flower stems show off the beauty of the charming blooms. Epimedium grandiflorums are herbaceous, the leaves die back in winter and new growth emerges with the flower stems in spring.  Spring. bloom   16 in. x 24 in.

322-058     Epimedium koreanum 'Harold Epstein'     ( Bishops cap, Barrenwort )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Soft Yellow flowers
Our research reveals that this was named by Seattle area plantsman Jerry Flintoff to honor the late Harold Epstein, who, among a list of accomplishments, was the long-serving president of the American Rock Garden Society and who was an avid collector of Epimediums. This slowly spreading groundcover is excellent for larger areas in need of a showy display. What makes Epimedium 'Harold Epstein' showy is not only the large flowers which appear before the new foliage unfurls. It is also the very large leaves measuring a half-foot-long and about 4-inches wide that really make a statement. In addition, the new leaf-stems are red.  Early Spring. bloom   15 in. x Increase slowly.

322-023     Epimedium leptorrhizum     ( Barrenwort )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
It is curious that the species name of Epimedium leptorrhizum refers to its slender rhizomes, which are more or less invisible, and not to its showy flowers or its dramatic foliage. Originally collected in 1898 and not fully described until 1933, it was only after its recent reintroduction by the great botanist Mikinori Ogisu that this epimedium entered into the trade. The thick evergreen leaves are narrow coming to a sharp tip. Their margins are spiny and they are deeply veined. The young foliage is bronze against red leaf stems but the leaves turn green as they mature. Showy, inch-and-a-half flowers are white flushed with pink.  Midspring to early summer. bloom   5-12 in. x 18 in.

322-048     Epimedium lishihchenii     ( Barrenwort )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
The large, bold foliage measures up to seven inches in length. Bold veining gives the leaves a textural quality that gives this epimedium a rugged presence in the garden. The flowers are relatively large dangling spider-like amongst and above the foliage.  Spring. bloom   18 in. x 24 in.

322-059QT     Epimedium omeiense (x)  
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White/Pink flowers
This surprisingly vigorous Barrenwort is the result of a cross between E. acuminatum and E. fangii. Long, arrow-shaped leaves have lightly spiney edges. In the spring they are colorfully mottled in red-brown. The flowering stems are at least two feet in height and can carry up to fifty two-inch flowers. Because Epimedium x omiense is evergreen, it promises all-season interest.  Spring. bloom   18 in. x 2 ft.

322-035Qt     Epimedium pauciflorum     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Part Shade, Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Epimedium pauciflorum has small, very thick, dark green leaves that are spiny along their margins. Although for the most part they are not visible, their undersides are an attractive blue green. In spring, scapes of 3 to 5 delicate white flowers rise up above the foliage.  Spring. bloom   6 in. x 12 in.

322-016     Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Beige/Coral/Yellow flowers
Epimedium pinnatum ssp. Colchicum is a slow-spreading, evergreen groundcover with rounded leaves. Flowers are pale beige with coral sepals and yellow corollas. Young foliage has a blush of red brown.  Spring. bloom   12 in. x 10 in.

322-017     Epimedium pubigerum     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Whitish flowers
Epimedium pubigerum is a clumping, evergreen groundcover with bronzed young foliage. Tiny white flowers with a faint hint of pink.  Spring. bloom   18 in. x 18 in.

322-005     Epimedium rubrum     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red, Yellow flowers
Epimedium x rubrum is a compact, evergreen mounder. The new leaves emerge stained red and age to green. In fall they turn ruddy. The flowers are red and pale yellow. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Spring. bloom   12 in. x 12 in.

322-040Qt     Epimedium rubrum 'Sweetheart' (x)     ( Barrenwort )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Rich Rose Pink flowers
(This is a cross between E. alpinum and E. grandiflorum.) The dramatically large foliage is rimmed in dark brown red in the spring and turns uniformly green in summer. Sprays of small flowers have bright rosy-pink sepals. Looking in the interior of a flower you see that the sepals display a cross in candy-cane colors. This is an excellent grower with great vigor and beauty.  Spring. bloom   16 in. x 24 in.

322-030     Epimedium versicolor 'Neosulfureum'     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Yellow flowers
Epimedium x versicolor 'Neosulfureum' is an evergreen and clumping ground cover that tolerates dry, deciduous shade very well. The leaves are composed of 3 to 9 leaflets. Cut them back at the end of winter to make way for the pale yellow spurred flowers followed by lightly bronzed new foliage. Very similar to 'Sulfureum' except the flowers are paler and have shorter spurs. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Spring. bloom   1 ft. x 3 ft.

322-006-1     Epimedium versicolor 'Sulfureum'     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Yellow flowers
Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulfureum' is a vigorous grower that is suitable for mass planting as a ground cover. Light yellow flowers.  Spring. bloom   1 ft. x 3 ft.

322-006Qt     Epimedium versicolor 'Sulfureum'     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Yellow flowers
Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulfureum' is a vigorous grower that is suitable for mass planting as a ground cover. Light yellow flowers.  Spring. bloom   1 ft. x 3 ft.

322-003     Epimedium warleyense     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Orange flowers
Epimedium x warleyense is an evergreen clump-former with unusual yellow flowers with orange sepals. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Spring. bloom   20 in. x 30 in.

322-044-1     Epimedium wushanense 'Spiny Leaf Form'  
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5,6,7,8,9 Soft Yellow flowers
We acquired our plant of Epimedium wushanense 'Spiny Leaf Form' from Diana Reeck at Collector's Nursery. The scale of this Epimedium is different from most of the forms we grow. It is a big plant, with big glossy leaves that are edged with dramatic spines. It is evergreen, but the spring brings a new set of leaves that are uniformly dark bronze when young but later turn green mottled with bronze and then green. The flower spikes are impressive as well - tall flowering stems laden with pale yellow flowers that are large by Epimedium standards. Because it is not a rapid grower, It has taken time to for us to bulk up our stock to offer this for sale.  Spring. bloom   12-15 in. x 30 in.

322-060Qt     Epimedium x versicolor 'Cherry Tart'  
Sun, Part Shade, Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Pink, Cherry Red flowers
This is believed to be a cross between E. grandiflora and E. pinnatum subsp. colchicum which was found in 1999 in the garden of Judy Springer of Virginia. The pink sepals are accented by recurving red spurs which in turn are tipped with a yellow cup. The new foliage of Epimedium x versicolor 'Cherry Tart' emerges burgundy before it turns green. In the autumn, the leaves take on burgundy tones again.  Early spring. bloom   12 in. x spreading

322-053     Epimedium youngianum 'Freckles' (x)     ( Barrenwort )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White and Lavender Pink flowers
(Epimedium x youngianum is a cross between E. diphyllum and E. grandiflorum.) The spring foliage of this selection has remarkable purple brown flecking and staining which diminishes as the foliage ages. Dainty white and pale lavender flowers dangle in multi-flowered sprays above the attractive leaves.  Spring. bloom   10 in. x 20 in.

322-056     Epimedium youngianum 'Jenny Wren' (x)  
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Light Lavender Pink flowers
Epimedium x youngianum 'Jenny Wren' was found in the garden of John Marchacos of Berlin, CT. It is as charming as its name. Because it is deciduous, we remove the old foliage at the end of winter which allows us to see the leaves and flowers as they emerge. The new foliage although somewhat small is mottled in burgundy, a coloration that remains throughout the season. The relatively large flowers open on scapes that rise above the foliage. Their soft color suits the foliage perfectly. 'Jenny Wren' is a clumper and is easy to accommodate in any garden.  April, May. bloom   12-15 in. x 12-15 in.

322-011QT     Epimedium youngianum 'Niveum'     ( Barrenwort, Bishops hat )
Part Shade, Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
(A cross between E. diphyllum and E. grandiflorum.) Epimedium x youngianum 'Niveum' is a diminutive treasure for a woodland garden. This is a small, clumping selection with blunt-tipped leaves. The flower stems rise above the foliage bearing white flowers that can be both spurred and spurless.  May to June. bloom   8 in. x 12 in.

322-050     Epimedium youngianum 'Star Cluster' (x)  
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Our thanks go to Diana Reeck from Collector's Nursery in Battle Ground, WA, for her selection Epimedium x yougianum 'Star Cluster.' Diana made this selection with the help of her friends Judith Jones of Fancy Fronds Nursery and Vanca Lumsden of Albe Rustic Furniture. Together they reviewed Diana's trial beds of seedling epimediums and this was the plant they all three returned to as their favorite. The name 'Star Cluster' suggests white flowers on a dark background. This is true. What the name doesn't describe is the beauty of the white flowers with their extra-long spurs or the richness of the dark chocolate spring foliage. The leaves green up as the spring progresses. (Thanks to Diana Reeck for use of her photo.)  Spring. bloom   12 in. x 12 in.

322-008     Epimedium youngianum 'Yenomoto' (x)     ( Barrenwort )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Pinkish buds open to delicate white flowers with a blush of pink in their sepals. The spring foliage is light green.  Spring. bloom   10 in. x 20 in.

726-001     Epipactis gigantea  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Beige Green flowers
This unique orchid is easy to grow in a woodland garden. The upper and lower lobes of the small flowers of Epipactis gigantea are veined burgundy, while the lateral lobes are a beige green. It is very free flowering. Our small plant grew 8 inches tall and 30 inches wide in four years.  May to July. bloom   16 in. x 30-60 in.

167-015     Erigeron caespitosus     ( Fleabane )
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Blue Violet flowers
Erigeron caespitosus was collected by Ron Ratko at high elevations in the Henry Mountains of Utah. Ron calls this a dwarf form of the wide-ranging species but as often happens when these plants are grown at lower elevations, they do get larger than described. Low tufts of narrow dark green foliage send up short bloom spikes each bearing a single large rayed flower. For rockeries and troughs.  Mid- to late summer. bloom   3 in. x 8 in.

167-011     Erigeron howellii     ( Howell's daisy )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
We thank Christine Ibrahimi for sharing seed from her garden of this rare Oregon native. Found only in the Columbia River Gorge between Angel's Rest on the Oregon side and Wind Mountain on the Washington side, Erigeron howellii grows in moist, rocky areas from 200 to 4000 feet in elevation. Its shiny, rounded basal leaves extend on long petioles. The foliage on the flowering stems is more linear. Each stem holds a single large white daisy with a golden central disk.  May, June. bloom   8-20 in. x 20 in.

167-004     Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White/Pink flowers
Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion' is a spreading perennial with hairy gray green leaves and countless small white daisies with pink reverses. Because of the length of its bloom period, this is a great plant for a container in a sunny location.  June to October. bloom   6-9 in. x 3 ft.

167-014     Erigeron speciosus     ( Fleabane )
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Lavender Blue flowers
This clump-forming perennial is one of our Northwest native plants. Although it is somewhat lax-of-habit in our garden, it is never a thug. It rewards us with months of cheerful, two-inch ray flowers of lavender with contrasting yellow centers. The broadly lance-shaped leaves of Erigeron speciosus measure six-inches in length.  Summer to early autumn. bloom   24 in. x 24 in.

334-033     Eriogonum compositum     ( Buckwheat )
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Sulphur Yellow flowers
In our rockery Eriogonum compositum has formed an impressive evergreen mound about 2.5 feet across. It has shaped itself attractively around some larger boulders. The leathery blue gray leaves take on rosy, even red, tones in the late fall and early winter. In spring the bloom spikes rise to 8 inches. This is a native of the east end of our Columbia River Gorge.  Spring. bloom   5 in. x 2 ft.

344-033     Eriogonum compositum (Form 2)  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
We have grown this amazing spreading Pacific Northwest shrub in our rockery for more than 10 years. Eriogonum compositum (Form 2) forms a dense evergreen mound covering the gravel and creeping between boulders. In winter, the foliage takes on red highlights. Give this sharp drainage and little summer water. This particular form has gray green foliage.  Spring. bloom   2-3 in. x 2 ft.

344-056D4     Eriogonum crocatum     ( Saffron buckwheat )
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Yellow flowers
We have tried many buckwheats at our nursery and have had the best success in a rockery or gravel bed. That is where we grow Eriogonum crocatum which is said to grow in crags and rock formations in clay soil. It is endemic to Ventura County, CA, and we did not expect it to survive our wet and cold winters but it has surprised us. Although it has not reached the size it might in a warmer, sunnier climate, its woolly, silvery white foliage looks dramatic year-round, but especially in contrast to our gray winter skies. Like those of many of the buckwheats, its yellow flowers are attractive to bees and buterflies. They appear in flattened clusters about two or so inches wide and dry to an attractive shade of red brown.  Late spring to early summer. bloom   1.5 ft. x 2-3 ft.

344-044     Eriogonum umbellatum var. porteri     ( Porter's sulfur flower )
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
We have long been fascinated by the Genus Eriogonum, commonly known as Buckwheats. These sub-shrubs are endemic to North America and often grow in areas with little rainfall. Of the many Buckwheats that we have grown, Eriogonum umbellatum var. porteri has proven to be one of the easiest for the home gardener. This small diminutive, evergreen shrub forms a tight rosette of glossy dark green leaves. The form we sell comes from high elevation mountainous areas in Beaver County, Utah. In the summer, umbels of small yellow flowers rise on short flowering stems. As the flowers mature they turn red brown.  July to September. bloom   4 in.. x 12 in.

323-001D4     Eriophyllum lanatum     ( Oregon sunshine )
Sun     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
Called Oregon sunshine, the cheerful yellow flowers of Eriophyllum lanatum are a welcome sight during our gray springs. This forms a dense woody mat with silvery foliage. It is literally covered with 1-inch, bright yellow ray flowers when it is in bloom. We grow it at the head of a path next to the parking lot. Customers emerge from their cars and go straight to it, then come to tell us of its beauty. It looks its best when grown with good drainage and minimal fertlizer.  May to June. bloom   12 in. x 24 in.

323-001     Eriophyllum lanatum     ( Oregon sunshine )
Sun     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
Called Oregon sunshine, the cheerful yellow flowers of Eriophyllum lanatum are a welcome sight during our gray springs. This forms a dense woody mat with silvery foliage. It is literally covered with 1-inch, bright yellow ray flowers when it is in bloom. We grow it at the head of a path next to the parking lot. Customers emerge from their cars and go straight to it, then come to tell us of its beauty. It looks its best when grown with good drainage and minimal fertlizer.  May to June. bloom   12 in. x 24 in.

399-001     Erodium chrysanthum  
Sun     Zones 7, 8 Pale Yellow flowers
We love Erodium chrysanthum. Soft, silver, ferny foliage forms airy mounds from which rise sprays of pale yellow saucer-shaped flowers. Please get down on your hands and knees and sniff the lemony perfume of the blooms. For us, it blooms from June to mid-autumn. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Summer to mid-autumn. bloom   6 in. x 16 in.

399-010     Erodium variable 'Album'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9 White flowers
Erodium x variable 'Album' is a low mounding geranium relative that has small, slightly lobed leaves on ruddy stems. The soft white flowers have delicate pink veining. Quite sweet.  Summer bloom   2 in. x 6 in.

031-010     Eryngium alpinum 'Blue Star'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Blue flowers
Eryngium alpinum 'Blue Star' is a stunning form of the species that is very blue in both flower and stem. Spiny toothed basal foliage and bracted stems bearing blue umbels surrounded by radiant soft blue spiny bracts.  Midsummer. bloom   30 in. x 20 in.

031-011D4     Eryngium amethystinum  
Sun     Zones 3-8 Blue to Amethyst flowers
Italy, Balkans. We grow Eryngium amethystinum in our Dry Border. They spiny leathery foliage is a dramatic summer texture. Very late in the summer, powdery blue stems bear blue to amethyst flowers in the midst of spiny silver bracts. Give this good drainage. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Late summer. bloom   28 in. x 28 in.

031-004-1     Eryngium bourgatii  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
The prickly deeply cut foliage of Eryngium bourgatii has stunning silver tracery to catch the eye. We never have enough of this in stock when it is in its glory in the gardens. The plump blue thistle flowers are irresistible to bees. The blue tones sometimes show in streaks along the stems which seems to be irresistible to gardeners.  Summer. bloom   12 in. x 12 in.

031-004D4     Eryngium bourgatii  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
The prickly deeply cut foliage of Eryngium bourgatii has stunning silver tracery to catch the eye. We never have enough of this in stock when it is in its glory in the gardens. The plump blue thistle flowers are irresistible to bees. The blue tones sometimes show in streaks along the stems which seems to be irresistible to gardeners.  Summer. bloom   12 in. x 12 in.

031-015D4     Eryngium giganteum     ( Miss Willmott's Ghost. )
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Eryngium giganteum is also known as Miss Willmott's ghost. Before we converted the mixed border, this biennial/short lived perennial held court near a central path. The striking, silvery green, spiny bracts which surround the large umbels age to buff by late summer. The flowers are as haunting as the common name.  Late summer. bloom   3 ft. x 2 ft.

031-014D4     Eryngium pandanifolium  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red Brown flowers
We were given Eryngium pandanifolium by the San Antonio Botanic Garden many years ago and have tested it to make sure it is winter hardy. It remained evergreen for four of those years and then died back at 10° F only to emerge from the roots in spring. This commanding plant grows on the pampas of Argentina. The bloom spike gets 6-8 ft. here forming a candelabrum of small reddish umbels. The basal clump has 3-foot sword-shaped leaves with spiny margins.  Late summer. bloom   6-8 ft. x 6 ft.

031-032-1     Eryngium planum 'Blauer Zwerg' ('Blue Dwarf')     ( Dwarf sea holly )
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
As the German name indicates, this selection of sea holly is much shorter than typical and so is better suited to the ever-decreasing size of the urban garden. Eryngium planum 'Blauer Zwerg' has showy blue-green bracts surrounding rounded blue flower heads. The leathery basal leaves are prickly to the touch. While somewhat oblong in shape, they have distinctly toothed margins. The stem leaves are more palmate in shape and often are stained metalic blue echoing the colorful stems and bracts.  Midsummer to early autumn. bloom   20 in. x 18 in.

031-016D4     Eryngium planum 'Blue Cap'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Blue flowers
Eryngium planum 'Blue Cap' produces a rosette of spoon-shaped light green foliage with serrated edges from which rise spikes of medium sized thistle flowers. Both stem and flower turn blue as they mature. Very stunning for the summer border.  Summer. bloom   2 ft. x 1 ft.

031-031D4     Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit'     ( Sea holly )
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Purple Blue flowers
Sea hollies are ideal deciduous perennials for sunny dry borders. Among the many selections that have been made, Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit' stands out for its compact, many-stemmed habit. Its flowering stems are stained silvery blue and sport similarly colored spiny floral bracts surrounding each flower. The spines are prickly so handle them carefully when you deadhead to promote new growth. Flowers can also be used in floral arrangements. Bees are regular visitors to the sea hollies in our gardens.  June to September. bloom   6-12 in. x 6-12 in.

031-006D4     Eryngium yuccifolium  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Greenish White flowers
Eryngium yuccifolium is not nearly so towering as E. pandanifolium, this is perhaps more suitable for a smaller garden. The basal foliage is similarly sword-shaped and spiny. The bloom spike only reaches 4 ft. We grow it in the Rock Garden.  Late summer. bloom   4 ft. x 2 ft.

032-013     Erysimum 'John Codrington'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow/Burgundy flowers
Erysimum 'John Codrington' is a compact shrublet with clusters of flowers that age from pale yellow to smoky burgundy. A distinct color statement for the early border. Lightly scented.  Spring to early summer. bloom   10 in. x 12 in.

032-002     Erysimum kotschyanum  
Sun     Zones 6, 7, 8 Golden Orange flowers
We grow Erysimum kotschyanum in the Texture Garden where it trails over our gravel top-dressing and down the rock walls. When in bloom, it is smothered in small, brilliant yellow flowers in early summer.  Summer. bloom   4 in x 8 in.

032-008     Erysimum 'Wenlock Beauty'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Mauve & Buff Yellow flowers
Erysimum 'Wenlock Beauty' is a mounding evergreen shrub with clusters of unusually colored mauve and yellow-brown flowers in spring. What we enjoy about this shrub is its willingness to repeat bloom lightly later in the season, the bronze cast of its tight buds and the way the gray green leaves complement the flowers.  Early spring to early summer. bloom   18 in. x 18 in.

784-005D4     Eucomis comosa 'Innocence'     ( Pineapple lily )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones (7), 8, 9, 10, 11 White flowers
As you might guess from the name, the leaves of 'Innocence' are not boldly stained in bronze or purple like many horticultural selections of Eucomis comosa. Instead, they are green with occasional purple streaking and stippling visible on the reverses of their upright leaves. The two-foot strap leaves are especially broad measuring more than 3 inches across. Bold upright flower stems rise to 28 inches and are slightly bronzed and stippled. Pineapple-shaped inflorescence are just short of a foot in length. Individual flowers are waxy white with pink eyes that give the flowers a blush of pink. Eucomis bring the exotic to the garden at a time of year when many perennials are flagging.  July and August. bloom   20 in. x 40 in.

784-001D4     Eucomis comosa 'Oakhurst'  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Purple flowers
The very purple strap foliage of Eucomis comosa 'Oakhurst' is a strong presence in the garden. Amazing inflorescences are reminiscent of small pineapples.  Late summer. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2 ft.

784-007D4     Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Gardeners often ask for dramatic plants and Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' and other named cultivars are among the plants that we recommend. The broad strap leaves alone are an arresting sight as they transform from burgundy to green and back again in the course of the growing season. They turn burgundy again just as the amazing inflorescences begin to develop. Rising on 30-inch stems, the racemes are made up of pink, star-shaped flowers. The raceme is topped with a crown which makes it look like a pineapple and thus the common name pineapple lily came to be. The glossy strap leaves continue to look attractive into the fall, long after the flowers have given way to beadlike fruits.  July, August. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

784-002D4     Eucomis comosa 'Victoria'     ( Pineapple lily )
Sun     Zones (7), 8, 9, 10, 11 White and Purple flowers
When it is not in bloom, the broad, semi-glossy strap leaves of this South African lily relative have a commanding presence in the mixed border. They are 28 inches long and more than three inches wide. Their fleshy skin is green with a hint of burgundy and there is burgundy stippling at their exterior bases. From mid- to late summer, pineapple-like inflorescences rise on burgundy stems. Individual flowers are whitish with purple centers. This is smaller in scale than Eucomis 'Oakhurst'.  July and August. bloom   24 in. x 45 in.

784-006D4     Eucomis 'Tugela Ruby'     ( Pineapple lily )
Sun     Zones (7), 8, 9, 10, 11 Ivory and Purple flowers
This selection was made by New Zealander Eddie Welsh. Of all the Eucomis we grow in our gardens, this is the smallest and perhaps the easiest to accommodate in a smaller space. The green, strap leaves are shorter and less wide but the pineapple-like inflorescence is every bit as lovely rising to almost two feet. The individual flowers are ivory with purple centers. The seed capsules are an attractive red. Try the lilies in cut flower arrangements.  July and August. bloom   18 in. x 24 in.

168-024-D4     Euonymus alatus 'Nordine'     ( Burning bush )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow Green flowers
This selection of Burning bush was named for Roy Nordine, a former propagator at the Morton Arboretum whose name is also associated with Cotinus coggygria 'Nordine'. Euonymus alatus 'Nordine' is noted for its compact habit and its densely "corked" or "winged" stems. In habit the shrub is somewhat rounded and fully branched from the ground upward. Insignificant flowers produce abundant red fruits that have four lobes which open to reveal contrasting orange arils covering the seeds within. The fruits open as the green leaves begin to show their brilliant red color.  May, June. bloom   6-10 ft. x 6-10 ft.

168-024-1     Euonymus alatus 'Nordine'     ( Burning bush )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow Green flowers
This selection of Burning bush was named for Roy Nordine, a former propagator at the Morton Arboretum whose name is also associated with Cotinus coggygria 'Nordine'. Euonymus alatus 'Nordine' is noted for its compact habit and its densely "corked" or "winged" stems. In habit the shrub is somewhat rounded and fully branched from the ground upward. Insignificant flowers produce abundant red fruits that have four lobes which open to reveal contrasting orange arils covering the seeds within. The fruits open as the green leaves begin to show their brilliant red color.  May, June. bloom   6-10 ft. x 6-10 ft.

168-027D4     Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag'     ( Burning bush )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Insignificant flowers
This multi-stemmed, compact shrub is mounding and somewhat flat-topped in habit. Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag' is a seedling selection made by Bernheim Arboretum in Kentucky for its slowing growing habit and its dwarf size. The branches have the winged ridges that distinguish the species. In the fall, the foliage turns dazzling pinkish red. At the same time, the red seed capsules begin to split open revealing the tiny orange-coated seeds within.  May. bloom   3-5 ft. x 3-5 ft.

168-027-1     Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag'     ( Burning bush )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Insignificant flowers
This multi-stemmed, compact shrub is mounding and somewhat flat-topped in habit. Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag' is a seedling selection made by Bernheim Arboretum in Kentucky for its slowing growing habit and its dwarf size. The branches have the winged ridges that distinguish the species. In the fall, the foliage turns dazzling pinkish red. At the same time, the red seed capsules begin to split open revealing the tiny orange-coated seeds within.  May. bloom   3-5 ft. x 3-5 ft.

168-019D4     Euonymus europaeus 'Aldenhamensis'     ( Spindle tree )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Insignificant flowers
This small, open-habited tree grows on our unirrigated hillside where it receives only a half-day of light during the summer. It has often had to fend for itself and, because it is adaptable to both varying amounts of water and light, it has done well for itself. As the summer season comes to an end, the foliage of Euonymus e. `Aldenhamensis' takes on brilliant red tones. Very late in the season, the branches are strung with dangling pink fruits that open to reveal brilliant orange-fleshed seeds within.  Summer. bloom   20 ft. x 15 ft.

168-019-1     Euonymus europaeus 'Aldenhamensis'     ( Spindle tree )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Insignificant flowers
This small, open-habited tree grows on our unirrigated hillside where it receives only a half-day of light during the summer. It has often had to fend for itself and, because it is adaptable to both varying amounts of water and light, it has done well for itself. As the summer season comes to an end, the foliage of Euonymus e. `Aldenhamensis' takes on brilliant red tones. Very late in the season, the branches are strung with dangling pink fruits that open to reveal brilliant orange-fleshed seeds within.  Summer. bloom   20 ft. x 15 ft.

168-025D4     Euonymus europaeus 'Red Cap'     ( Spindle tree )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pale Green flowers
The European Spindle tree, native to Europe and Western Asia, is most noticeable on the landscape in the autumn when the rounded foliage turns bright red before it falls. Euonymus europaeus 'Red Cap' is a seedling selection made by the University of Nebraska for its abundant and persistant fruits. These fruits are fascinating as they develop. They ripen to a deep pink color before they split open to reveal the orange seedcoat of the white seeds within. It is hard to overlook the contrast of pink and orange set amidst the brilliant foliage.  April to June. bloom   10 ft. x 5 ft.

168-004D4     Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety'  
Sun to Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Insignificant flowers
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' is a versatile compact shrub and a reliable performer. The cream-margined evergreen leaves take on pink highlights in the winter. Feel free to prune or pinch back irregular or unwanted growth.    3 ft. x 5 ft.

168-004-1     Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety'  
Sun to Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Insignificant flowers
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' is a versatile compact shrub and a reliable performer. The cream-margined evergreen leaves take on pink highlights in the winter. Feel free to prune or pinch back irregular or unwanted growth.    3 ft. x 5 ft.

168-006     Euonymus fortunei 'Kewensis'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Insignificant flowers
Euonymus fortunei 'Kewensis' is an evergreen groundcover that has proven very successful in dry shade. The tiny matte green leaves are lightly mottled. They cover stems that do not hug the ground but lift slightly off it. This drapes beautifully over a low wall as well.    4 in. x 3 ft.

168-017-1     Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Inconspicuous flowers
Pillar-shaped and evergreen, Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen' an integral part of the yellow section of our 4 Seasons Garden, because, despite its name, this shrub bears dark green leaves with cream colored margins.    8 ft. x 3 ft.

168-017D4     Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Inconspicuous flowers
Pillar-shaped and evergreen, Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen' an integral part of the yellow section of our 4 Seasons Garden, because, despite its name, this shrub bears dark green leaves with cream colored margins.    8 ft. x 3 ft.

168-009-1     Euonymus japonicus 'Green Spire'  
Sun to Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Originally found on the Japanese island of Oki-no-shima in 1978, Euonymus japonicus 'Green Spire' was released by the U.S. National Arboretum in 1982. 'Green Spire' forms an evergreen columnar shrub with glossy leaves. It is very versatile and can tolerate drier sites as well as sites near the ocean. It can be used as a specimen or en masse to form a hedge or screen. The young foliage is a fresh yellow green that matures to dark green.  June. bloom   14 ft. x 6 ft.

168-009D4     Euonymus japonicus 'Green Spire'  
Sun to Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Originally found on the Japanese island of Oki-no-shima in 1978, Euonymus japonicus 'Green Spire' was released by the U.S. National Arboretum in 1982. 'Green Spire' forms an evergreen columnar shrub with glossy leaves. It is very versatile and can tolerate drier sites as well as sites near the ocean. It can be used as a specimen or en masse to form a hedge or screen. The young foliage is a fresh yellow green that matures to dark green.  June. bloom   14 ft. x 6 ft.

168-028-1     Euonymus japonicus microphyllus 'Butterscotch'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Insignificant flowers
As the contemporary garden has become smaller, customers have begun to ask for small, compact, evergreen shrubs. Euonymus japonicus microphyllus 'Butterscotch' fills that bill perfectly. It is slow-growing, mounding and has exceptionally attractive small rounded leaves. The new leaves are bright yellow glowing above the older dark green leaves. 'Butterscotch' stays bright and attractive throughout the season making a great foil for small sun and woodland perennials.  Late spring. bloom   2-3 ft. x 3 ft.

168-028D4     Euonymus japonicus microphyllus 'Butterscotch'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Insignificant flowers
As the contemporary garden has become smaller, customers have begun to ask for small, compact, evergreen shrubs. Euonymus japonicus microphyllus 'Butterscotch' fills that bill perfectly. It is slow-growing, mounding and has exceptionally attractive small rounded leaves. The new leaves are bright yellow glowing above the older dark green leaves. 'Butterscotch' stays bright and attractive throughout the season making a great foil for small sun and woodland perennials.  Late spring. bloom   2-3 ft. x 3 ft.

168-002D4     Euonymus japonicus 'Microphyllus Variegatus'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Insignificant flowers
At first glance, it would be easy to mistake Euonymus japonicus 'Microphyllus Variegatus' for a variegated boxwood with its small, semi-glossy leaves that are margined in white. However, this euonymus is far easier to care for needing very little to make it happy. And it needs very little pruning to keep it looking tidy. Excellent as a low hedge.  Rarely blooms. bloom   3 ft. x 2 ft.

168-015-1     Euonymus nanus var. turkestanicus  
Sun     Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Inconspicuous flowers
Euonymus nanus var. turkestanicus is a curious arching-to-cascading shrub with narrow, widely spaced, dark green leaves that march down the stems in a ladder-like fashion. Autumn color is red to burgundy. The flowers are not noticeable but the fruits are relatively large, pink and contain bright orange arils within. This would be a wonderful shrub for spilling over a low wall or in a rockery.  Summer. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

168-015D4     Euonymus nanus var. turkestanicus  
Sun     Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Inconspicuous flowers
Euonymus nanus var. turkestanicus is a curious arching-to-cascading shrub with narrow, widely spaced, dark green leaves that march down the stems in a ladder-like fashion. Autumn color is red to burgundy. The flowers are not noticeable but the fruits are relatively large, pink and contain bright orange arils within. This would be a wonderful shrub for spilling over a low wall or in a rockery.  Summer. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

263-002D4     Eupatorium maculatum 'Atropurpureum'     ( Joe Pye weed )
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Dark Purple Red flowers
This tall, stately, herbaceous perennial not only attracts human visitors to the garden but Eupatorium maculatum 'Atropurpureum' also draws butterflies and bees which feed on its large, flattened, purple flower heads. The lance-shaped leaves are tinged with purple and there is purple speckling on the flower stems. Use this as a focal point in the border garden.  Midsummer to early fall. bloom   Up to 7 ft. x 3 ft.

263-002-1     Eupatorium maculatum 'Atropurpureum'     ( Joe Pye weed )
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Dark Purple Red flowers
This tall, stately, herbaceous perennial not only attracts human visitors to the garden but Eupatorium maculatum 'Atropurpureum' also draws butterflies and bees which feed on its large, flattened, purple flower heads. The lance-shaped leaves are tinged with purple and there is purple speckling on the flower stems. Use this as a focal point in the border garden.  Midsummer to early fall. bloom   Up to 7 ft. x 3 ft.

263-006D4     Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
We have placed Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' at the purple end of our new Rose and Clematis Border. The rich chocolaty foliage of this stately plant is a perfect foil for dark violet and purple Penstemons. Late in the season, there is an explosion of tiny white flowers held above the foliage.  Late summer. bloom   5 ft. x 3 ft.

169-009D4     Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Rubra'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Chartreuse flowers
Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Rubra' is most striking in our gardens in winter when the red-infused evergreen foliage commands attention. Chartreuse bracts hold into the summer. Cut back after flowering to encourage new growth.  Spring to summer. bloom   2 ft.

169-051D4     Euphorbia 'Blackbird'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow Bracts flowers
Amidst the many silver foliaged plants in our dry border, Euphorbia 'Blackbird' PP#17178 stands out like an individual. The year-round foliage begins rich red black turning a smokey purple-green with age. In striking contrast, the yellow floral bracts glow at the advent of the growing season.  Spring. bloom   18-20 in. x 18-24 in.

169-037D4     Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii 'Joy Creek Dwarf'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Yellow Green/Red Bracts flowers
Our Point Garden has towering Euphorbias that we have caged to keep from sprawling on their neighbors. We selected Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii 'Joy Creek Dwarf' to avoid this problem yet still give the spectacular winter-to-spring display of floral heads. Just over knee-high and very upright, this may be the solution for those who need a smaller spurge.  Winter to spring. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

169-002D4     Euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Yellow Green/Red Bracts flowers
Euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii is a big, bold plant for the sunny border. Especially attractive in the winter when its blue-green foliage complements the tawny grasses. We have it planted in our "Dinosaur Garden" with Gunnera manicata, and customers are constantly asking about it. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Late winter to early spring. bloom   3-5 ft. x 5 ft.

169-050D4     Euphorbia 'Ego'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Yellow Green/Red Brown flowers
Euphorbia 'Ego' is a Joy Creek Selection. This was a chance seedling of Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii that we have raised in our garden for many years. It was named for its impressive floral heads and the fact that it remains upright in habit and does not allow the weight of those large heads to make the stems floppy. Bright chartreuse floral bracts surround the tiny true flower.  Spring. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

169-025D4     Euphorbia griffithii 'Dixter'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Orange flowers
Euphorbia griffithii 'Dixter' is a short form of the species with striking dark foliage flushed with red. The flower heads are a burnt orange. Christopher Lloyd made this selection.  Spring. bloom   2-3 ft. x 2 ft.

169-022D4     Euphorbia griffithii 'Fire Charm'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Orange Red flowers
Euphorbia griffithii 'Fire Charm' is a shorter version of Euphorbia 'Fire Glow' reaching about 3 ft. Lovely red to orange to yellow fall foliage.  Spring. bloom   2 ft. x 3 ft.

169-003D4     Euphorbia griffithii 'Fire Glow'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red-Orange flowers
Visitors stop and stare when the red orange flower bracts of Euphorbia griffithii 'Fire Glow' are ablaze in the spring. A vigorous herbaceous form for a moist, well-drained site. The stems are suffused a pink orange as they grow.  Spring. bloom   3-4 ft. x 3 ft.

169-003-1     Euphorbia griffithii 'Fire Glow'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red-Orange flowers
Visitors stop and stare when the red orange flower bracts of Euphorbia griffithii 'Fire Glow' are ablaze in the spring. A vigorous herbaceous form for a moist, well-drained site. The stems are suffused a pink orange as they grow.  Spring. bloom   3-4 ft. x 3 ft.

169-019-1     Euphorbia martinii  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Yellow Green flowers
(Euphorbia amygdaloides x E. characias) Euphorbia x martinii is an attractive evergreen shrub that has narrow lanceolate foliage that is infused with red purple when it is young. This is especially striking in the winter garden. In the spring it bears chartreuse floral bracts with small red nectaries. Cut back after bloom to renew.  Spring. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

169-019D4     Euphorbia martinii  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Yellow Green flowers
(Euphorbia amygdaloides x E. characias) Euphorbia x martinii is an attractive evergreen shrub that has narrow lanceolate foliage that is infused with red purple when it is young. This is especially striking in the winter garden. In the spring it bears chartreuse floral bracts with small red nectaries. Cut back after bloom to renew.  Spring. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

169-012D4     Euphorbia nicaeensis     ( Nice [France] spurge )
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8
Euphorbia nicaeensis is evergreen. Its pale gray blue leaves show off the lime-yellow floral leaves. Grow this in a sunny border.  Late spring to summer. bloom   32 in. x 18 in.

169-005D4     Euphorbia polychroma (epithymoides)  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
Central & Southeastern Europe. Euphorbia polychroma (epithymoides) is a dense, bushy, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves. The short floral heads are bright yellow and bring cheer to the spring garden. Suitable for a drier situation.  Midspring to summer. bloom   16 in. x 24 in.

169-035D4     Euphorbia 'Red Martin'  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Chartreuse/Red flowers
Euphorbia 'Red Martin' is apparently a sport from Euphorbia x martinii selected for its deep red purple stems and foliage. It is at its best in the winter and spring garden when its evergreen foliage adds a needed color boost.  Spring. bloom   18-24 in. x 24 in.

538-001D4     Exochorda macrantha) 'The Bride'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' is a cross between Exochorda korolkowii and E. racemosa. Alternate, oblanceolate, blue green leaves on long cascading arching branches. The name must refer to the masses of pure white flowers that cover these branches in May. Although it does not repeat bloom, the show is so dramatic that once is more than enough. The fascinating fruits are like pale green, 5-sectioned beads.  Late spring. bloom   6 ft. x 10 ft.

538-001-1     Exochorda macrantha) 'The Bride'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' is a cross between Exochorda korolkowii and E. racemosa. Alternate, oblanceolate, blue green leaves on long cascading arching branches. The name must refer to the masses of pure white flowers that cover these branches in May. Although it does not repeat bloom, the show is so dramatic that once is more than enough. The fascinating fruits are like pale green, 5-sectioned beads.  Late spring. bloom   6 ft. x 10 ft.

731-002-1     Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum'  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
We cannot believe how Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' has flourished in our newer border in the shade of a sweep of rhododendrons. The wonderful, thick, 8- to 10-inch kidney shaped leaves are dappled with eye-catching gold spots. Spikes of yellow rayed flowers.  Autumn. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

731-002D4     Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum'  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
We cannot believe how Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' has flourished in our newer border in the shade of a sweep of rhododendrons. The wonderful, thick, 8- to 10-inch kidney shaped leaves are dappled with eye-catching gold spots. Spikes of yellow rayed flowers.  Autumn. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

731-006D4     Farfugium japonicum 'Shishi Botan'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Yellow flowers
The gray green leaves of Farfugium japonicum 'Shishi Botan' have a ruffled appearance. Some say they are parsley-like in appearance, however, they are thick in substance and are fuzzy to the touch. In cooler climates, Farfugium do not have a long enough warm season to bloom and will often freeze back to the ground in winter. In more temperate climates, gardeners are treated to a lovely display of yellow daisy-like flowers, often in October and early November. In Japan they are seen in parks near ponds and water-ways. And it is not uncommon to find them in containers at front entries brightening the arrival of autumn visitors.  Fall bloom   12 in. x 12-18 in.

742-001-1     Fatshedera iizei 'Variegata'  
Sun, Part Shade, Shade     Zone (7), 8, 9, 10 Green White flowers
A bigeneric cross between Fatsia and Hedera, x Fatshedera iizei 'Variegata' is terrific for drier shade sites. Its evergreen quality has endeared it to the public. Large, leathery, somewhat glossy leaves are 3- to 5-lobed with attractive cream variegation along the margins. The flowers appear in panicles of small, rounded umbels but, for those that are concerned about the ivy parentage of this plant, there is no need to worry. The plant is sterile.  Autumn bloom   4-6 Ft. x 6-10 ft.

033-003     Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
We've found Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' to be the very best fescue for our maritime climate. The blades are especially blue and hold up well through the winter. Excellent for border fronts and along paths. Needs good drainage. A Great Plant Picks selection.    6-8 in. x 6-8 in.

033-010     Festuca idahoensis     ( Blue western bunchgrass )
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 N/A flowers
Festuca idahoensis is a clump forming, drought tolerant, native grass that is both attractive and useful in low water use gardens. The foliage of this seed grown strain is a very attractive blue and shows well when planted individually or in spaced groupings.  Late Spring bloom   1'-2' x 15"

033-010D4     Festuca idahoensis     ( Blue western bunchgrass )
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 N/A flowers
Festuca idahoensis is a clump forming, drought tolerant, native grass that is both attractive and useful in low water use gardens. The foliage of this seed grown strain is a very attractive blue and shows well when planted individually or in spaced groupings.  Late Spring bloom   1'-2' x 15"

033-009     Festuca idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue'     ( Fescue )
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Tawny flowers
  Late spring. bloom   x 15 in.

033-009D4     Festuca idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue'     ( Fescue )
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Tawny flowers
  Late spring. bloom   x 15 in.

033-013D4     Festuca mairei     ( Fescue )
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
We were introduced to Fetuca mairei by a garden designer in the Spokane, WA, area who grew this grass because it was very drought tolerant and cold hardy. Hailing from the Atlas Mountains of Northern Africa, it certainly has both those qualities. It is also beautiful, its fine foliage turning golden in the high heat. For us, this clumping grass stays partially green if given water in the summer.  Early summer. bloom   24-32 in. x 32 in.

170-006     Filipendula 'Kokome'     ( Japanese meadow sweet )
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Rose flowers
Filipendula 'Kokome' is a dwarf woodlander that has finely notched, five-lobed, dark green foliage. The plume of tiny simple flowers has a light fragrance. This is a moisture lover.  Early summer. bloom   6-8 in. x 12 in.

170-006D4     Filipendula 'Kokome'     ( Japanese meadow sweet )
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Rose flowers
Filipendula 'Kokome' is a dwarf woodlander that has finely notched, five-lobed, dark green foliage. The plume of tiny simple flowers has a light fragrance. This is a moisture lover.  Early summer. bloom   6-8 in. x 12 in.

170-010     Filipendula palmata     ( Siberian meadowsweet )
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Filipendula palmata is a useful and attractive clumping perennial for a moist area or a woodland garden. The rugged palmate leaves are densely hairy on their reverses. In midsummer, this bears tall plumes of pink flowers.  Midsummer. bloom   4 ft. x 2 ft.

170-004-1     Filipendula rubra 'Venusta'     ( Queen of the Prairie )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose-Pink flowers
Filipendula rubra 'Venusta' is a tall spreading perennial with large pinnate foliage suitable for sunny moist areas. In early summer the branching red stems are topped with dainty, almost foamy plumes of densely clustered rose pink flower heads. For us this plant is a big grower and is alloted an area about 4 feet by 8 feet which it thoroughly fills but don't worry it is not invasive and a sharp shovel will keep it well in bounds when maintained once a year. For many years we have had it planted in front of the clumping bamboo, Fargesia nitida `Nymphenberg' which creates a lovely marriage of textures, colors and movement when the breeze from the river stirs them on a summer afternoon.  Early to midsummer. bloom   6 ft. x 4 ft.

170-004D4     Filipendula rubra 'Venusta'     ( Queen of the Prairie )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose-Pink flowers
Filipendula rubra 'Venusta' is a tall spreading perennial with large pinnate foliage suitable for sunny moist areas. In early summer the branching red stems are topped with dainty, almost foamy plumes of densely clustered rose pink flower heads. For us this plant is a big grower and is alloted an area about 4 feet by 8 feet which it thoroughly fills but don't worry it is not invasive and a sharp shovel will keep it well in bounds when maintained once a year. For many years we have had it planted in front of the clumping bamboo, Fargesia nitida `Nymphenberg' which creates a lovely marriage of textures, colors and movement when the breeze from the river stirs them on a summer afternoon.  Early to midsummer. bloom   6 ft. x 4 ft.

170-002D4     Filipendula ulmaria     ( Meadowsweet )
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Growing in moist woodland and meadow areas from Europe to West Asia, Filipendula ulmaria has become a favorite perennial in shaded gardens throughout the Pacific Northwest. The dense corymbs of small white flowers give a frothy appearance from a distance. The foliage is handsome with deeply veined leaves that are basically pinnate in shape. Its clump forming habit and ease of care make this a winner.  Summer. bloom   24-36 in. x 24"

170-003D4     Filipendula ulmaria 'Aurea'  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Filipendula ulmaria 'Aurea' is a truly eye-catching form with golden spring foliage that turns to lime green as it ages. There is a blush of pink in the flower heads. Best in moist, cool shade.  Summer. bloom   2-3 ft. x 2 ft.

170-007-1     Filipendula ulmaria 'Variegata'  
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Cream White flowers
Filipendula ulmaria 'Variegata' is very similar to the classic woodland Meadowsweet with the addition of yellow blazes on the foliage that add interest in a shaded situation. Dense plumes of creamy flowers rise on erect stems.  Summer. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

170-007D4     Filipendula ulmaria 'Variegata'  
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Cream White flowers
Filipendula ulmaria 'Variegata' is very similar to the classic woodland Meadowsweet with the addition of yellow blazes on the foliage that add interest in a shaded situation. Dense plumes of creamy flowers rise on erect stems.  Summer. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

170-001D4     Filipendula vulgaris     ( Dropwort )
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
The very finely cut foliage of Filipendula vulgaris (hexapetala) adds texture to the sunny edge of our Shade Garden. Open branching stems bear loose clusters of pink tinted white flowers.  Early to midsummer. bloom   2 ft. x 18 in.

170-001     Filipendula vulgaris     ( Dropwort )
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
The very finely cut foliage of Filipendula vulgaris (hexapetala) adds texture to the sunny edge of our Shade Garden. Open branching stems bear loose clusters of pink tinted white flowers.  Early to midsummer. bloom   2 ft. x 18 in.

635-009D4     Forsythia viridissima var. koreana 'Kumson'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 Bright Yellow flowers
Walking up the path out of the new shade bed into the light, we are struck by the stained glass quality of the sun shining through the beautiful leaves of Forsythia viridissima var. koreana 'Kumson'. They are dark green, somewhat rounded and veined in yellow. The veining is most pronounced on the young foliage but is still present on older leaves. The young branches are purple. And at the end of winter we are rewarded with an intense display of bright yellow flowers.  Early spring. bloom   6 ft. x 5 ft.

635-009-1     Forsythia viridissima var. koreana 'Kumson'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 Bright Yellow flowers
Walking up the path out of the new shade bed into the light, we are struck by the stained glass quality of the sun shining through the beautiful leaves of Forsythia viridissima var. koreana 'Kumson'. They are dark green, somewhat rounded and veined in yellow. The veining is most pronounced on the young foliage but is still present on older leaves. The young branches are purple. And at the end of winter we are rewarded with an intense display of bright yellow flowers.  Early spring. bloom   6 ft. x 5 ft.

675-002D4     Fothergilla 'Mount Airy'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 White flowers
Well-known plantsman Michael Dirr made this selection of Fothergilla at Mt. Airy Arboretum in Cincinnati, Ohio. He found this trial plant to have good vigor and to be strongly upright. Also, he was attracted to its dark green leaves during the growing season and the manner in which they transformed in the autumn with a consistant display of orange, yellow and red. In addition, Dr. Dirr noted the abundance of flowers on its branches. And so, it was named to honor the place where it was found. In our garden, after twenty years, Fothergilla 'Mt. Airy' has attained a height of over 6 ft. It puts on a splendid show each year. For best results, we recommend that you plant it in part shade with lightly acid soil and be patient.  Spring. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

522-002     Fragaria 'Lipstick'  
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Deep Rose Red flowers
This groundcover is the result of an interesting cross between a strawberry (Fragaria) and a cinquefoil (Potentilla). In habit, it is more strawberry than cinquefoil. As the name Fragaria 'Lipstick' suggests, both the flowers and the fruits of this plant are bright, the flowers being rose-red and the fruits truly lipstick red. The plant spreads by stolons, just like a wild strawberry, with coarsely-toothed foliage that is an attractive shade of green. The fruits are edible but small so it's best not to expect a big crop. This is delightful draping down the side of a container or over a wall where you can enjoy the colorful display and occasionally harvest a berry.  April to October. bloom   6-8 in. x spreading

628-005     Francoa appendiculata     ( Bridal wreath )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Thanks to fellow gardener Todd Wiengardt for sharing seeds of this Chilean beauty. The attractive basal foliage is attractively lobed and crinkled. It turns wine red during the cold weather. During the summer, wand-like flowering stems bear numerous small pink flowers with darker markings within.  Midsummer. bloom   24-36 in. x 12 in.

628-002     Francoa sonchifolia     ( Bridal wreath )
Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
We grew this Chilean perennial in our gardens but lost it in a severe winter (A 10 Degree F.cold snap.). We are glad to have it back since it is such a generous bloomer. The leaves of Francoa sonchifolia are large, somewhat lance-shaped and lobed. They form an evergreen basal mound. From summer into the early fall stately, unbranched, upright flowering stems bear compact clusters of pink flowers with darker central markings. The dark pink buds are also attractive.  Summer to early autumn. bloom   2-3 ft. x 18 in.

034-160     Fuchsia 'Annabel'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 White/Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Annabel' is a lax but upright shrublet with mid-green leaves. Flowers have long white tubes that are striped pink. The sepals and corollas are also white with flashes of pink.  Summer to fall bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-015     Fuchsia 'Aurea'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple flowers
(This is sometimes sold as Fuchsia magellanica 'Aurea'.) The yellow-green foliage of Fuchsia 'Aurea' is exceptionally vibrant and eye-catching especially when contrasted with the red flowers. Blooms have narrow red tubes and sepals over a short rose-purple corolla. Stems and veins turn magenta in late fall when the plant is grown in full sun in the Pacific Northwest. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost bloom   3 ft. x 5 ft.

034-148     Fuchsia 'Autumnale'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Autumnale (Meteor, 1880)' is a trailing fuchsia that has glossy foliage that starts out yellow and green and turns coppery red in late summer. The flowers are fairly standard in color with red tubes, red sepals and purple corollas, but they complement the foliage very attractively.  Summer to fall. bloom   10 in. x 18 in.

034-029     Fuchsia 'Baghdad'  
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Baghdad'is a compact shrublet with very attractive single flowers with red sepals and pink corollas. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 3.5 ft.

034-003     Fuchsia 'Beauty of Clyffe Hall'  
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 White/Pink flowers
Pinch this lax shrub to keep it bushy. The lovely single flowers of Fuchsia 'Beauty of Clyffe Hall' ((1881) have white tubes and sepals and pink corollas. Hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 4 ft.

034-004     Fuchsia 'Black Prince'  
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Deep Blue flowers
Fuchsia 'Black Prince' (Banks 1861) is a rounded, compact shrub very similar to 'Baghdad'. The flowers have red tubes and sepals and dark purple corollas. Hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-147     Fuchsia 'Blue Eyes'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Violet Pink flowers
Very showy large doubled flowers have brilliant red sepals with violet corollas that fade to violet pink. The main flower is an inch-and-a-half long but the stamens protrude an additional inch beneath giving it a very long appearance. Fuchsia 'Blue Eyes' is somewhat trailing in habit with rounded mid-green leaves that have pointed tips.  Summer to autumn. bloom   18" x 3 ft.

034-225     Fuchsia boliviana var. alba  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 9, 10, 11 White flowers
We have no illusions of growing this species to its full, small tree height. Instead, use it in containers where we enjoy its long, narrow, soft blue-green foliage and the clusters of 2-inch, pendant flowers. The flowers have white tubes and sepals, but the orange of the corolla is visible under the white tube. Interesting white fruits develop after flowering. Fuchsia boliviana var. alba is lax in habit, with arching stems. We thank Shirley Lock for giving us our specimens.  Summer. bloom   12 ft. x 3-4 ft.

034-031     Fuchsia 'Bud Cole'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Bud Cole' is a tall, upright shrub with small flowers. The sepals are rich pink fading to pale pink at their tips. The corolla is hot fuchsia pink.  Summer to fall. bloom   4 ft. x 6 ft.

034-033     Fuchsia 'Caledonia'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Cherry Red/Crimson flowers
Fuchsia 'Caledonia' (Lemoine 1899) is an upright and bushy charmer. The cherry red flower tube is very long and thin. The sepals are also cherry red and extend past the crimson red single corolla. Hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.

034-034     Fuchsia 'California'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Rose Coral flowers
Fuchsia 'California' is a low shrub, wider than it is tall. The dangling flowers have elegant, long, pink tubes; the sepals are pink with white tips on their reverses; and the corollas are a rosy coral.  Summer to fall. bloom   2 ft. x 3 ft.

034-128     Fuchsia 'Cardinal'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red flowers
We received this vigorous, tall, upright shrub from a friend's garden. The exceptionally large flowers of Fuchsia 'Cardinal' (Evans & Reees, 1938) have long, red tubes, red sepals and red corollas. It is said that this can reach 12 ft. tall. Hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Summer to fall. bloom   5-6 ft. x 3 ft.

034-180     Fuchsia 'Carmel Blue'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 pink/violet blue/white flowers
We grow this in the shade of an old pear tree where its large, single, light-colored flowers really stand out. The foliage is slightly blue green and of good substance and the vivid burgundy leaf stems draw their color into the central vein of the leaves. The tube and sepals are a very pale pink. The corolla is violet blue with rose and white patches.  Summer. bloom   1.5 ft. x 1.5 ft.

034-005     Fuchsia 'Celia Smedley'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Cream/Very Pink/Red flowers
Fuchsia 'Celia Smedley' (George Rode, 1970) bears pinkish white sepals that are edged pink with green tips and darker undersides. They flare over the single red corolla that is white at the base. Medium green large leaves. Rigidly upright.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 2 ft.

034-193     Fuchsia 'Charming'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Red Purple flowers
The super-sized flowers of Fuchsia `Charming' are more than 3 inches across from recurved sepal tip to recurved sepal tip. Underneath, the corolla deepens the red of the sepals to red purple. In all, the flower measures 2 1/2 inches from the top of the tube to the bottom of the corolla. Lime green leaves with purple stems really show off the flowers. Suitable for a large container or trailing down a slope or wall.  Summer to frost. bloom   15 in. x 36 in.

034-035     Fuchsia 'Checkerboard'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Pink/Red flowers
Fuchsia 'Checkerboard' is fairly upright but wider than it is tall. The flowers have red tubes with pale pink sepals and violet-red corollas. Very free-flowering.  Summer to fall. bloom   2 ft. x 3.5 ft.

034-236     Fuchsia 'Chili Red'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red flowers
Fuchsia 'Chili Red' has surprised us. On close inspection we realized that the flowers lacked the conventional corolla so familiar to gardeners. Instead the flowers, which open slowly, consist of a red tube and red sepals. In addition, the buds are unusually elongated and are slow to open. Indeed, at first glance, they resemble red chili peppers as the name suggests. The plant is upright and compact and would be ideal in a container although we grow it in the front of a border. This is a fine addition to our hardy fuchsia collection.  Summer through autumn. bloom   12 in. x 12 in.

034-119     Fuchsia 'Chillerton Beauty'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Chillerton Beauty' is very upright and free-flowering. The small flowers have pink tubes, pink sepals and purple corollas. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Summer to fall. bloom   3-4 ft. x 3 ft.

034-037     Fuchsia 'Christmas Elf'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/White flowers
Fuchsia 'Christmas Elf' (Gentry 1972) is a dwarf shrub that bears a profusion of small flowers. The tube is bright red, the well reflexed sepals are bright red, and the corolla is white veined in red. Hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-040     Fuchsia 'Claire de Lune'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Salmon Orange flowers
Fuchsia 'Claire de Lune'(Rozain-Boucharlet, 1880) is upright but open in habit. The flowers have salmon pink tubes, the sepals are salmon pink and the corollas are salmon orange. This has been hardy for us for many years.  Summer to fall. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.

034-087     Fuchsia 'Cloverdale Pearl'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 White/Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Cloverdale Pearl' (Godsby 1973) is upright and easy to shape. The single flowers have white tubes, pink sepals with green tips and white corollas veined in pink. Hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 3.5 ft.

034-207     Fuchsia 'Curtsy'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink/Red Purple flowers
We thank the late Sally Dahl for introducing us to this fuchsia. She kept us up-to-date on hardy fuchsias. The large flowers have pale pink sepals that recurve above reddish purple corollas. The leaves on this somewhat lax shrub are medium green and a little more than 2 inches long. The new stem growth is rosy in color.  Summer to autumn. bloom   15 in. x 15 in.

034-042     Fuchsia 'David'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'David' (W.P. Wood, 1949) is a free-flowering upright bush with small leaves and small flowers. The tube and sepals are cerise with a single purple corolla. Very hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3-4 ft. x 3 ft.

034-224     Fuchsia 'DebRon's Black Cherry'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Purple flowers
This is one of a series of fine fuchsias hybridized by Debbie and Ron Monier. The large, semi-double flowers are described as having "aubergine" sepals and corollas. This upright shrub is on the hardy list of the Northwest Fuchsia Society.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2-3 ft. x 2-3 ft.

034-239     Fuchsia 'DebRon's Mangolita'  
Part Shade, Shade     Zones (7), 8, 9 Soft Pink/Red Violet flowers
We have been lucky to have fellow fuchsia-lover Linda Rectinus share this and other fuchsias in her collection with us. Fuchsia 'DebRon's Mangolita' forms a small shrub with a lightly arching habit. The single flowers are extraordinarily colorful. The soft pink tube merges into soft pink sepals with green tips. As the sepals recurve, they reveal their rich coral undersides. The coral coloration in turn creates a vibrant complement to the dark red-violet corolla. Dark green, serrated foliage shows the plentiful flowers off to good advantage. Another fine Northwest hybrid from Ron and Deb Monier.  Summer to Autumn. bloom   15-18 in. x 15-18 in.

034-202     Fuchsia 'DebRon's Smokey Blue'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Deep Rose/Aubergine flowers
Even though Debbie and Ron Monnier's fuchsia nursery has closed, we can still enjoy the fruits of their labors in a series of new introductions, including Fuchsia `Debron's Smokey Blue'. Our friend, garden designer Lucy Hardiman introduced us to this beauty which she grows in a container near her entry garden. The mid-sized single flowers have deep rose-colored sepals and deep aubergine corollas. The leaf petioles are dark rose to complement the flowers. Lucy tells us that everyone who enters her garden asks the name of this hardy fuchsia.  Summer to early autumn. bloom   2.5 ft. x 18 in.

034-229     Fuchsia 'DebRon's Snow Fairy'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 10 Magenta and White flowers
Raised and released by Debbie and Ron Monnier in 2012, Fuchsia 'Snow Fairy' is a cross between F. 'Brookwood Belle' and F. 'Maxima'. The short flower tube is dark rose. On their upper surfaces the sepals go from magenta at their bases to pink at their tips. On their lower surfaces they are magenta with green tips. The slightly flared corolla is cream with reddish veining.  Late spring to frost. bloom   1-2 ft. x 1-2 ft.

034-222     Fuchsia 'Delta Wonder'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Raspberry Pink/Lavender flowers
This upright hardy fuchsia performed admirably this summer. The single flowers are large with flared raspberry pink sepals and lavender corollas. The foliage is midgreen but juvenile leaves often have a bronze cast. The leaves of Fuchsia `Delta Wonder' are set off by pink infused stems on the new growth.  Summer to early autumn. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-044     Fuchsia 'Display'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Rose Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Display' (Smith, 1881) bears medium sized flowers with carmine red sepals and rose pink corollas. Very vigorous shrub with medium green foliage. Very hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-208     Fuchsia 'Dodo'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 White/Dark Fuchsia Rose flowers
We received cutting wood for this lovely fuchsia from Sally Dahl. Sally has tried to keep us up-to-date with newly tested hardy fuchsias. The beautiful flowers have greenish white tubes with white sepals that are tipped in green. Underneath the sepals, the single corollas are dark fuchsia rose. The white filaments and pitstels are a sharp contrast with the corollas. The mid-green foliage is especially large, up to 3 1/2-inches long and 1 1/2-inches wide. The young stems are purple.  Summer to autumn. bloom   18 in. x 18 in.

034-109     Fuchsia 'Double Otto'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple Blue flowers
Visitors often approach us dangling the huge blooms of Fuchsia 'Double Otto' which they have picked in the gardens asking where they can find it on the sales tables. Large, exuberant double flowers with very flared red sepals and purple corollas veined rosy red from their bases to mid-centers. Large medium green leaves. Vigorous upright growth. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-197     Fuchsia 'Dying Embers'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8 Dark Red/Aubergine flowers
Although the flowers are somewhat small, they make up in number what they lack in volume. Both the tube and sepals of the flowers are a dark laquered red, an ideal color to blend with the dark aubergine of the corolla. The suffusion of purple in the leaves and the red in their stems echo the the colors of the flowers.  Summer to fall. bloom   1.5 ft. x 1.5 ft.

034-209     Fuchsia 'Edith'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Violet Pink flowers
This stately, tall, long-blooming fuchsia has become a garden favorite. Attractive red stems are upright and branched with leafy side stems. Flowering occurs at the terminals of the upright and side stems so there are lots of flowers over an extended time. The mid-sized, semi-double flowers of Fuchsia 'Edith' have bright red tubes and sepals with violet pink corollas. The extended sepals measure about 2-inches in width; the stamens extend about 3/4-inch below the corolla.  Summer to autumn. bloom   6 ft. x 4-5 ft.

034-139     Fuchsia 'Enstone'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pale Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Enstone' is a golden-leafed, bushy shrub that is obviously a golden sport of Fuchsia 'Sharpitor' which has variegated foliage. The flowers have pale pink tubes, sepals and corollas. Hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Summer to fall. bloom   1.5 ft. x 1.5-2 ft.

034-234     Fuchsia 'Eruption'  
Part Shade     Zones 9, 10, 11 Magenta and Rose flowers
This is an amazingly free-flowering fuchsia that is ideal for hanging baskets and containers. The slender flowers have light magenta tubes and sepals with rose colored corollas. They hang in tiers down the trailing branches. The dark foliage only serves to heighten the effect of the brilliant flowers. This is said to be a cross between Fuchsia 'Gerharde's Panache' and itself. We protect it in the winter.  Summer through autumn. bloom   16-18 in. x 12-18 in.

034-192     Fuchsia 'Exmoor Woods'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 10 Pink/Violet flowers
Fuchsia `Exmoor Woods' is a mid-sized shrub that is open in habit. Although it is not as free-flowering as some fuchsias, its individual flowers are exceptionally attractive. The red pink of the flower tube pales as it approaches the sepals which are pink fading to white, then green at the very tips. The corolla is lavender blue when it first emerges but quickly turns violet.  Summer to frost. bloom   32 in. x 45-50 in.

034-203     Fuchsia 'Firecracker'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Salmon Orange flowers
The foliage of this small shrub is reason enough to grow it. Poinsettia green leaves are margined in cream and flushed pink. This combination is enhanced by red leaf stems and veining. When the terminal clusters of tubular, salmon orange flowers begin to bloom, they are quite a surprise. This was developed in England by John Ridding and was first introducted in 1999 at the Hampton Court Garden Show.  June to October. bloom   24 in. x 24 in.

034-115     Fuchsia 'First Success'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones (7), 8, 9 Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'First Success' (Weeda 1982) is a cross between Fuchsia paniculata and F. splendens. The flowers appear in terminal clusters on this upright shrub. The small flowers have pink tubes, light pink recurving sepals and light pink corollas. The leaves have distinct red veining and red stems.  Summer to autumn. bloom   2.5-3 ft. x 2.5 ft.

034-163     Fuchsia 'Flash'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Magenta flowers
Fuchsia 'Flash' is a handsome upright shrub with smallish mid-green foliage. The countless small flowers have bright red sepals and corollas that go from magenta to red down their lengths.  Summer to fall. bloom   4 ft. x 2 ft.

034-198     Fuchsia 'Foxgrove Wood'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Pink/Lavender flowers
Fuchsia `Foxgrove Wood' is an ideal small, upright shrub which is rated "exceptionally hardy" in the world of fuchsias. Its apple green leaves are a perfect backdrop for the 2-inch flowers which have rosy pink tubes and sepals with lavender blue corollas which fade to pink.  Summer to frost. bloom   24 in. x 24 in.

034-187     Fuchsia 'Fred Swales'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Coral flowers
The coloring of the flowers of this small shrub is intriguing. Opalescent pink tubes turn pink at the sepals and then fade to white with green at the tips. The corollas are a dazzling bright coral. The 1 3/4-inch flowers of Fuchsia `Fred Swales' glow on the slightly gray green leaves.  Summer to frost. bloom   15 in. x 24 in.

034-135     Fuchsia 'Fuchsiade 88'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Purple Pink/Purple Red flowers
Showy flowers ornament this medium-sized shrub. The sepals of the flowers on Fuchsia `Fuchsiade 88' recurve just enough to remind the viewer of wings in flight. Those sepals are purple pink with flashy white tips which fade as the flowers age. They spread their wings above purple red corollas.  Summer to frost. bloom   24 in. x 40 in.

034-126     Fuchsia 'Galadriel'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Beige/Red/Red flowers
Fuchsia 'Galadriel' (De Graaff, 1982) is a vigorous, upright, medium-sized shrub with very unusually colored flowers. The tube is almost beige, the sepals a bright red and the single corolla opens red but fades attractively to a claret red. Hardy in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   20 in. x 12 in.

034-091     Fuchsia 'Genii'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Light Pink/Dark Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Genii' is a compact shrublet with golden foliage. The surprising medium sized flowers have light pink sepals and dark purple corollas.  Summer to fall. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-016     Fuchsia 'Globosa'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple flowers
(This is also known as Fuchsia magellanica 'Globosa'.) Fuchsia 'Globosa' is somewhat lax in growth. The foliage of this vigorous plant has a reddish cast to its medium-sized leaves. The stems and veins turn vivid red in late fall when planted in the sun. The flower is composed of a red tube and sepals which extend past a deep rose-purple corolla. Very hardy and surprisingly tolerant of low water in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 5 ft.

034-092     Fuchsia 'Golden Gate'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Lavender flowers
Chartreuse leaves with red veins are ideal for showing off the small single flowers of Fuchsia `Golden Gate'. The flower tube and sepals are red contrasting with the rich lavender of the corolla which fades with time to soft lavender blue.  Summer to frost. bloom   30 in. x 30 in.

034-238     Fuchsia 'Gordon's China Rose'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 White/Coral Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Gordon's China Rose' has been in the trade since 1953, however, we have only recently discovered its charms thanks to Linda Rectanus, an avid fuchsia fan who has shared many of her plants with us. The midsized flowers hang gracefully on gently arching stems. Their white tubes fuse with the sepals which are lightly flushed with pink. The green tips of the sepals recurve to reveal coral pink corollas which are more richly colored at the base. The dark green foliage showcases the soft coloration of the blooms. The shrub is upright in habit and flowers freely.  Summer to autumn. bloom   24-36 in. x 24-36 in.

034-194     Fuchsia 'Groene Kans Glorie'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Coral Pink/Coral flowers
Wow! We planted this mid-sized shrub in a border with blue, yellow and other coral-flowered plants and it immediately drew attention. The sepals of the inch-and-a-half flowers curve downward at an interesting angle. Their tubes are dappled with coral pink; their sepals are coral pink fading to pale green at the tip; and their corollas are vibrant coral. The young foliage of Fuchsia `Groene Kans Glorie' is light green turning to midgreen as it matures. All this adds up to a stunning display.  Summer to frost. bloom   30 in. x 30 in.

034-213     Fuchsia 'Harlequin'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple flowers
We thank Sally Dahl for introducing us to this plant (and many others) and giving us our first cuttings. Sally was instrumental in helping us keep our Fuchsia collection true-to-name and we think of her when we see the plants she shared with us. Fuchsia 'Harlequin' is an elegant, upright shrub with nicely proportioned flowers. The flowers have rich red tubes and sepals and dark purple corollas. The sepals recurve in a graceful fashion. The dark green, rounded leaves are lightly toothed along their margins. Red is present in their central veins and is also evident in young branches and flower stems giving an over-all unity to the coloration of this lovely shrub.  Summer to autumn. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-164     Fuchsia hatschbachii     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Red/Purple flowers
Fuchsia hatschebachii is a lovely species that has some remarkable features. The foliage is narrow and willow-like. The small flowers, although tubular, do not hang straight down but bend outward. Their tubes are red and their corollas are dark purple. In addition, the stamens are quite long extending dramatically from the tube.  September and October. bloom   4-5 ft.+ x 2-4 ft.

034-050     Fuchsia 'Hawkshead'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 White flowers
Fuchsia 'Hawkshead' is a lovely, low shrub with small mid-green leaves. The dainty flowers are white but there is a trace of green at the tips of the sepals.  Summer to fall. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-165     Fuchsia 'Jim Muncaster'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red Purple/Purple flowers
The mid-sized dark green leaves of Fuchsia 'Jim Muncaster' complement the wine-red stems of this small shrub. The sepals of the medium-sized flowers are purple-red and recurve sharply. The corolla is deep purple.  Summer to fall. bloom   3 ft. x 2 ft.

034-052     Fuchsia 'Jingle Bells'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/White flowers
Fuchsia 'Jingle Bells': This upright plant has festive flowers with red sepals and double white corollas. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   1.5 ft.

034-008     Fuchsia 'Jupiter 70'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Scarlet/Crimson/Red flowers
Fuchsia 'Jupiter 70' (R. Holmes, 1970) bears single small bell-shaped flowers are scarlet, crimson, and mandarin red. The large foliage is medium green.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2 ft, x 2.5 ft.

034-233     Fuchsia 'Lady Bacon'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Pink/Red Violet flowers
We are grateful to our friend Linda Rectinus who gave us our first specimen of this graceful Fuchsia. The small flowers dangle from the underside of wand-like stems. Individual flowers have red tubes, soft pink sepals and red-violet corollas. Their long red stamens are exerted in a showy fashion. The mid-green leaves are small and somewhat rounded with light serration along their edges. One additional point of beauty is the red stain on the leaf petioles and on the stem where they attach.  Summer to autumn. bloom   3-4 ft. x 3-4 ft.

034-141     Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Red/Black Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby' (Rafil, 1939) is a vigorous upright shrub with dark green, finely serrated leaves. The crimson tube is short, flaring out to somewhat short red sepals. The corollas are black purple with a hint of pink at their bases. Very hardy.  Summer to fall. bloom   36 in. x 48 in.

034-214     Fuchsia 'Lechlade Magician'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Red, Light Purple flowers
Bred by JA and JO Wright in the UK, Fuchsia 'Lechlade Magician' is considered very hardy for Pacific Northwest gardens by the Northwest Fuchsia Society. The flowers are small reflecting its F. magellanica heritage. The flower tube and sepals are deep red and the corollas are light purple. The stamens are exerted and tipped with blue pollen which indicates F. excorticata in its parentage. This forms a big upright shrub.  Late spring to frost. bloom   4-6 ft. x 5-10 ft.

034-010     Fuchsia 'Lena'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Purple flowers
This classic is somewhat trailing in habit. The mid-sized flowers of Fuchsia 'Lena' (Bunney, 1862) have appealing fleshy pink tubes and sepals and semi-double purple corollas. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-122     Fuchsia 'Lena Dalton'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Lavender Blue flowers
Fuchsia 'Lena Dalton' (Reimers, 1953) is distinguished from 'Lena' by its dainty double flowers. This Fuchsia forms an upright bush that responds well to pinching. The flower is composed of a pale pink tube, pink sepals with green tips, and a lavender blue double corolla which is veined in red.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.

034-116     Fuchsia 'Little Beauty'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Lavender Blue flowers
Fuchsia 'Little Beauty' is a small upright shrub that has delicate flowers with light red tubes and sepals and single lavender blue corollas. Very hardy and one of the first to bloom here in the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-170     Fuchsia 'Logan Garden'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 White/Purple-Blue flowers
Fuchsia 'Logan Garden' produces lots of small dramatically colored flowers on this lax shrub. The sepals are white and the corollas are dark purple-blue.  Summer to fall. bloom   4 ft. x 4 ft.

034-095     Fuchsia 'Lord Byron'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Cerise/Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Lord Byron' (Lemoine) is an upright and bushy shrublet that is very free-flowering. The flower tubes are dark cerise, the sepals are dark cerise and the corollas are a very dark purple. Hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Summer to fall. bloom   15 in. x 15 in.

034-012     Fuchsia 'Lottie Hobby'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Red flowers
Fuchsia 'Lottie Hobby' (Edwards, 1939) bears small fern-like leaves and tiny flowers on this upright somewhat dwarf shrub. The tubes are cherry red, the sepals red and the single corollas are scarlet. Hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-189     Fuchsia magellanica 'Alba'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Pale Pink flowers
This is a classic fuchsia which we have been growing in our garden for years under the name 'Silver Pink'. Do not let the Latin word for "white" in the name confuse you. The flowers of this form of Fuchsia magellanica `Alba' are truly pale pink. They are small but produced so freely that they create quite a show. The small foliage is mid-green. This upright shrub is tough, easy to grow and attractive to hummingbirds.  Summer to frost. bloom   4-5 ft. x 4-5 ft.

034-216     Fuchsia 'Margaret'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Carmine/Violet flowers
Like many of the recent additions to our Hardy Fuchsia list, we received cutting wood of this classic fuchsia from Sally Dahl. This mid-sized shrub was named by a one-time president of the British Fuchsia Society. Because it is fast growing, it is often used as an informal hedge. The semi-double flowers have carmine tubes and sepals above violet corollas that are veined in red. The plentiful flowers are two-tiered. The foliage is mid-green and the young stems are blushed with red. (Wood 1939)  Summer to autumn. bloom   4 ft. x 3 ft.

034-184     Fuchsia 'Marie Eileen'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Once mistakenly called Fuchsia 'Pink Lena', the flowers are indeed similar to those of Fuchsia 'Lena' but in pink. The sepals are pink with green tips that recurve upward sharply. Their reverses are pink and green-tipped as well. The corolla is also pink, but brighter and cleaner in color. Indeed, the base of the corolla is an even richer color. Even the flower tube is pink with vertical ribbing. The stamens extend more than a half-an-inch beyond the lip of the corolla. In habit, this is somewhat trailing.  Summer to autumn. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-196     Fuchsia 'Maxima'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun,Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Burgundy Red/Aubergine flowers
This is possibly not winter hardy for us in the Pacific Northwest but it is so beautiful that we grow it anyway. The very large flowers are semi-double. Their sepals and tubes are burgundy red while their corollas are very dark aubergine. Interestingly, the corollas flare out like little skirts. The black fruits are as large as small black olives.  Summer. bloom   15 in. x 15 in.

034-026     Fuchsia 'Mephisto'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Scarlet/Crimson flowers
Fuchsia 'Mephisto' (Reiter, 1941) is a very large and well-shaped shrub with eye-catching flowers. The tubes are scarlet, the sepals scarlet and the single corollas are crimson. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   4 ft. x 3 ft.

034-230     Fuchsia microphylla 'Steel 'n Stars'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Fuchsia flowers
We do not have much information about the development of this fuchsia. Fuchsia microphylla 'Steel 'n Stars' was apparently collected in the mountains of Central America. Its very small holly-like leaves have a silvery blue metallic cast. The flowers are equally small. The stars referred to in the name are the shape that the sepals form at the ends of their tubes. We suspect that this will have to be protected in Northwest Gardens like the other selections out of Fuchsia microphylla. We thank Alex Wright for providing us with cutting wood.  Summer to frost. bloom   4 ft. x 3 ft.

034-064     Fuchsia 'Mrs. J.D. Fredericks'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Mrs. J.D. Fredericks' (Evans & Reeves, 1936) is an upright, bushy fuchsia that is very free flowering. The tube is pale salmon pink, the sepals salmon pink and the single corolla is rich pink. Hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.

034-019     Fuchsia 'Mrs. Popple'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Scarlet/Violet Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Mrs. Popple' (Elliott, 1899) is upright, vigorous and free-flowering. The flower tubes are scarlet, the sepals are scarlet and the corollas are violet purple. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Summer. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2 ft.

034-204     Fuchsia 'Neon Tricolor'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Lime/White/Coral flowers
This is a beautiful, yet curious fuchsia which lives up to its name with its dramatic flowers. The early flower buds are lime green with fused red tubes. They are only a hint of what's to come. Once the buds begin to stretch, they form inch-long tubes with green and white tips. Then, when the flowers open, the white sepals have distinct lime green tips which recurve above coral orange corollas. Young buds form in upward facing sets of 2 or 3 at the leaf axils. As the buds develop into flowers, they face down and slightly away from the main stem as if anticipating the approach of a passing hummingbird. The rich, dark green foliage of Fuchsia `Neon Tricolor' is flushed scarlet when young.  Summer to frost. bloom   4-5 ft. x 3-4 ft.

034-133     Fuchsia 'Nici's Findling'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink/Rose flowers
Fuchsia 'Nici's Findling' forms a compact small shrub that has proven winter hardy in the Pacific Northwest. It was hybridized by Hermann Ermel, a German hybridizer, and released in 1985. The lovely flowers have soft pink to peach sepals and dark rose corollas.  Summer to frost. bloom   16 in. x 16 in.

034-217     Fuchsia 'Ocean Mist'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 White flowers
There are many species and cultivars of fuchsias with tiny foliage and flowers, but there are few that have flowers with pure white sepals and corollas. Fuchsia 'Ocean Mist" does and the flowers glow against the dark green, lightly toothed leaves of this lax-habited shrub. An additional color is added to the shrub by the purple red tones of its young stems. This was released by its American hybridizer Francesca in 1977.  Summer to autumn. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-121     Fuchsia 'Old Fashioned'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Lilac Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Old Fashioned' is a very upright shrub and can get larger in a protected spot. The small flowers have pink tubes, sepals that are pink on their reverses but red on their fronts, and lilac purple corollas. Blooms late into the season.  Summer bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-191     Fuchsia 'Papoose'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Red Violet flowers
Fuchsia `Papoose' forms a rounded shrub with arching stems that are strung with numerous smaller flowers. Their bright red sepals do not recurve but afford only a glimpse of the red violet corollas within. Burgundy stems are especially noteworthy for echoing the color of the corollas.  Summer to frost. bloom   15 in. x 30 in.

034-113     Fuchsia 'Pat's Dream'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Red/Lilac Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Pat's Dream' bears medium sized flowers. Cherry red tube and sepals with lilac purple corolla. Attractive mounding habit. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-068     Fuchsia 'Peppermint Stick'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple/Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Peppermint Stick' (Garson, 1951) is one of the first of the three-colored Fuchsias. The tube is light red, the sepals are light red and the corolla is purple with pink streaks. Upright and robust.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-117     Fuchsia 'Peter Pan'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Orchid flowers
Fuchsia 'Peter Pan'(Erickson, 1960) is somewhat trailing in habit. The single flowers have pink tubes, pink sepals and orchid colored corolla. Hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2 ft.

034-145     Fuchsia 'Phyllis'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Rose/Red/Lavender flowers
Fuchsia 'Phyllis' has very rounded buds that open to compact flowers with pale rose tubes, red sepals and lavender purple corollas. The foliage is dark green and red veined. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Summer to fall. bloom   4 ft. x 2-3 ft.

034-178     Fuchsia 'Porphyrio'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Red/Dark Violet flowers
As the young leaves of Fuchsia 'Porphyrio' emerge in spring, they are dark purple. Even though they green up as they age, this fuchsia is always visibly one of the darkest we grow. Delicate, inch-long flowers have red tubes, red sepals and dark violet corrolas. We thank Monnier's Country Gardens for introducing us to this large, mounding shrub.  Summer to early autumn. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-070     Fuchsia procumbens     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Green Gold flowers
Fuchsia procumbens is an oddity. A small trailing fuchsia bearing unusual tiny upward facing flowers with yellow green tubes and purple tipped sepals. Bright red fruits. From New Zealand.  Late spring to frost. bloom   4-6 in. x 3-4 ft.

034-132     Fuchsia procumbens 'Variegata'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Green Gold flowers
Fuchsia procumbens 'Variegata' is an exceptionally lovely ground cover. The gray green foliage has cream variegation. Bears oddly green/gold colored, upward facing flowers.  Late spring to late summer. bloom   4-6 in. x 2 ft.

034-237     Fuchsia 'Pumila'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Crimson/Purple flowers
This classic fuchsia has graced gardens since 1821. It bears small-to-tiny flowers on an upright shrub. The dense branches bear small, mid-green foliage. Individual leaves are serrated along their edges. The flowers have short crimson tubes and sepals with purple corollas that have occasional streaks of pink toward their tops. Early flowers are a little larger than subsequent flowers on the stem. The small size of the foliage and flowers makes one think that the plant will be dwarf, but over time, it can become fairly large. Thanks to Linda Rectanus for sharing cuttings with us.  Summer to autumn. bloom   4-6 ft. x 3-4 ft.

034-140     Fuchsia 'Queen Esther'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 White/Violet flowers
Fuchsia 'Queen Esther' is an upright bushy shrub with broad light green foliage. Lovely flowers are somewhat outward facing. They are made up of white sepals and tubes and violet corollas.  Summer to fall. bloom   12-18 in.

034-073     Fuchsia regia     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Red/Purple flowers
Fuchsia regia has become an immense arching shrub in our stock field. We encage it to keep the branches off the ground and to display the small red flowers with purple corollas. The foliage is quite large and rounded.  Summer to fall. bloom   6 ft. x 3 ft.

034-220     Fuchsia regia subsp. regia  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Red and Purple flowers
This subspecies of Fuchsia regia was first described in 1829. It was found in the jungles of Brazil where it uses the surrounding trees to clamber up toward the light. This is the fastest growing subspecies and is best used as a climber. The leaves of Fuchsia regia subsp. regia are lance-shaped and have a nice glossy substance. The flowers are small with red tubes, red sepals and purple corollas. We are grateful to the late Salli Dahl for giving us our specimen.  Summer to autumn. bloom   7-20 ft. x spreading

034-221     Fuchsia regia subsp. reitzii  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Red/Purple flowers
Fuchsia regia forms are generally treated as climbers or sprawlers that take advantage of nearby trees and structures to clamber toward the sun. This particular subspecies was discovered and described by P.E. Berry as recently as 1989. It is not so large as the other form of F. regia we grow. And its flowers, though similar, have a neon quality to them. This form was given to us by the late Salli Dahl. It would make a fine subject tied onto a trellis or fence.  August to November. bloom   12 ft. x spreading

034-218     Fuchsia 'Remembrance'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9,
We are indebted to the late Salli Dahl, the former vice president of the Northwest Fuchsia Society, who gave us our first cuttings of this hardy fuchsia. We think of her generous spirit when we see Fuchsia 'Remembrance' (Gubler). The flowers on this upright shrub have rose colored tubes and sepals and semi-double, pale pink corollas with red veining. We have read that this is a sport from Fuchsia 'Edith' and was released in 1995 in England.  Summer to Autumn. bloom   4 ft. x 3-4 ft.

034-199     Fuchsia 'Roesse Blacky'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Purple Red flowers
At a quick glance, Fuchsia 'Roesse Blacky' looks like F. 'Maxima', however, 'Roesse Blacky' is even smokier in flower color and its flowers and foliage are larger. With very glossy purple red sepals which recurve to almost upright position revealing matte red undersides and very dusky, near black corolla, the flowers of Fuchsia 'Roesse Blacky' are very exotic and mysterious, and complemented by midgreen foliage which is somewhat rounded with red central veins that echo the flower.  Summer to frost. bloom   12 in. x 18 in.

034-219     Fuchsia 'Rose N Blue'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Rose/Violet Blue flowers
Fuchsia 'Rose N Blue' was introduced in 1986 and still remains a favorite among the hardy fuchsias. This is a testament to the beauty of its largish flowers and the way they are held against the dark green foliage. The rose color of the tubes and sepals nicely complements the double violet blue corollas.  Summer to autumn. bloom   24-36 in. x 24-36 in.

034-235     Fuchsia 'Roswitha'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pale Orange/Orange Red flowers
Many thanks to our friend Linda Rectinus for sharing this variegated fuchsia with us. Although it is not considered a hardy fuchsia, Linda has had good luck growing Fuchsia 'Roswitha' in her garden in the Portland area. Its soft green leaves are edged in cream with a blush of coral - a combination that really complements the pale orange flowers and brings out the startling brilliance of the red orange corollas. This is listed as an upright fuchsia but because the branches arch with the weight of their flowers it is best to think of this as a lax grower. The literature attributes this to a South African breeder named Gwen Bos in 1994. It is said to be a sport of Fuchsia 'Joan Cooper.'  Summer to fall. bloom   24 in.? x 24 in. ?

034-190     Fuchsia 'Rufus'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red flowers
It is the size of the flowers that makes this fuchsia readily identifiable. At 2 inches long and 2.5 inches wide, they certainly draw attention to themselves. The red flower tube descends to glossy red sepals which only slightly recurve above the matte red corolla. Fuchsia `Rufus' is an open-habited, mid-sized shrub that is easy to place in the garden.  Summer to frost. bloom   28 in. x 30 in.

034-074     Fuchsia 'Santa Claus'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/White flowers
Fuchsia 'Santa Claus' bears semi-double white corollas with red sepals. Prominent red mid-rib on the leaves. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

034-179     Fuchsia 'Sealand Prince'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones (7), 8, 9 Pink/Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Sealand Prince' (Walker Bees Nursery, 1967) is note-worthy for its free-flowering nature and its upright, bushy habit. The flower tubes are hot pink, the sepals are also hot pink and the corollas are pale violet purple maturing to reddish purple with a pink base. Medium green foliage is lightly serrated.  Summer to autumn. bloom   18-20 in. x 18 in.

034-223     Fuchsia speciosa  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Orange flowers
Our thanks to the Elisabeth C. Miller Botanical Garden in Seattle for providing cutting wood for this hardy fuchsia. Showy orange sepals form a tubular case around the orange corolla which just manages to peak out the bottom of the dangling flowers. They nestle above the large, rounded foliage which is very soft to the touch. The leaf petioles are stained coral to complement the flowers.  Early summer to frost. bloom   3 ft x 3 ft.

034-231     Fuchsia 'Steirerblut'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10, 11 Dark Red flowers
Thanks to our friend Alex Wright who gave us cuttings of this showy but somewhat tender fuchsia. Hybridized by Lorenz Ignaz and released in 2002, Fuchsia 'Steirerblut' is attractive both in and out of bloom. The dramatic young foliage is stained purple with distinct pink veining. As they age, the leaves green up slightly looking more bronze than purple. The brilliant flowers bloom in terminal clusters. Individual flowers are long and tubular with red tubes and sepals and darker red corollas. The name of this fuchsia refers to the "blood" of the Styrian region of Austria.  Summer to frost. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-021     Fuchsia 'Surprise'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Rose/Periwinkle flowers
Fuchsia 'Surprise' bears periwinkle corollas with dark rose recurved sepals. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   5 ft. x 4 ft.

034-168     Fuchsia 'Swanley Gem'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple-Blue flowers
Fuchsia 'Swanley Gem' is an upright, compact shrub with mid-sized flowers that have red sepals and medium purple-blue corollas.  Summer to fall. bloom   18 in.

034-101     Fuchsia 'Swanley Yellow'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Orange Pink/Yellow Orange flowers
Fuchsia 'Swanley Yellow' (Cannell 1900) is a lax grower that likes lots of sun. The flowers have very long orange and pink tubes, orange and pink sepals and yellow orange single corollas.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-027     Fuchsia 'Tennessee Waltz'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Lt. Red/Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Tennessee Waltz' (Walker & Jones, 1950) is an easy-to-grow upright shrub that displays colorful large flowers. The tubes are light red, the sepals light red and the double corollas are mauve and pink. Very popular. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2 ft.

034-002     Fuchsia 'Thalia'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Scarlet flowers
We have grown Fuchsia 'Thalia' for many years so we know it is hardy for the maritime Northwest. Its foliage is very attractive. The burgundy stems draw their color up into the undersides of the leaves and the veining on top. When the clusters of scarlet, tubular flowers open at the stem terminals, this is quite a show.  Late summer to fall. bloom   2 ft. x 2 ft.

034-079     Fuchsia 'Thomasina'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Coral Pink/Red flowers
This attractive, low, arching shrub has flowers of an unusual color combination. The showy flowers are 1 1/4-inches long and 2 1/4-inches wide with coral pink tubes, rich coral pink sepals (often with green tips) and smoky red corollas. After one year in the garden, Fuchsia `Thomasina' was no more than a foot tall, but well over 2.5 feet wide.  Summer to frost. bloom   1-2 ft. x 2.5-3 ft.

034-024     Fuchsia 'Tom Thumb'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Tom Thumb' (Baudinet, 1850) is a wonderful upright free-flowering bush that sports small flowers as its namesake suggests. The flowers have carmine tubes and sepals and mauve-purple corollas. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.

034-080     Fuchsia 'Tom West'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple flowers
We grew this many years ago and lost it in a cold winter. We thank Shirley Lock for restoring it to our gardens. The bold foliage is extraordinarily colorful with its green and cream variegation and cerise veining. Red petioles only serve to accent the scarlet flowers with their purple corollas. Trailing in habit, Fuchsia 'Tom West' can be used successfully in hanging baskets or to light up a sheltered corner of the garden.  Summer to autumn. bloom   12-24 in. x 12-24 in.

034-017     Fuchsia 'Tricolor'     ( Fuchsia )
Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Red/Purple flowers
(This is sometimes sold as Fuchsia magellanica v. macro. 'Tricolor'.) Fuchsia 'Gracilis Tricolor' is a fine foliage plant. The leaves require sun in order to maintain the rose suffusion in their white and green variegation. The stems and veins turn magenta red in the fall if exposed to sun. The flowers are small with long slender red tubes and sepals over purple corollas. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Late spring to frost. bloom   3 ft. x 5 ft.

034-174     Fuchsia 'Turkish Delight'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Pink/Purple flowers
Fuchsia 'Turkish Delight' is a compact shrub with single flowers. The sepals are light pink and the corollas are dark purple.  Summer to autumn. bloom   12-18 in. x 12-18 in.

034-143     Fuchsia 'Whiteknight's Amethyst'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink/Red/Aubergine flowers
Fuchsia 'Whiteknight's Amethyst' is an upright small shrub. The plentiful, small flowers have pink tubes, red sepals and aubergine corollas. Very hardy for the Pacific Northwest.  Summer to fall. bloom   6 ft. x 4 ft.

034-181     Fuchsia 'Whiteknight's Cheeky'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Dark Violet Pink flowers
Fuchsia 'Whiteknight's Cheeky' bears dark foliage and terminal clusters of small, mostly outward-facing trumpet flowers make this a readily identifiable beauty. The somewhat rounded leaves are bronze green fading to dark green. In certain lights, they almost look black. The fine hairs on the upper leaf surface give the foliage an irridescent quality.  July to October. bloom   1.5 ft. x 1.5 ft.

034-144     Fuchsia 'Whiteknight's Pearl'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Soft Pink flowers
This upright shrub is quite hardy. The arching branches of Fuchsia 'Whiteknight's Pearl' have small mid-green foliage. The small flowers have soft pink tubes and soft pink sepals that are tipped green. The corolla also is soft pink.  Summer to fall. bloom   2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.

034-106     Fuchsia 'Yonder Blue'     ( Fuchsia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9 Red/Lavender Blue flowers
In our garden Fuchsia 'Yonder Blue' forms a somewhat open-habited, small shrub with large double flowers. The short flower tube is rosy red. The sepals are red. The corollas are lavender blue. The flower stems are also red.  Summer to autumn. bloom   12-18 in. x 12-18 in.

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