Joy Creek Nursery

268-104D4   Hebe 'Champagne'  

Hebe 'Champagne'
Joy Creek Photo Archive (c) all rights reserved
Because numerous species and cultivars of Hebes have not fared well during the severe winters of the last few years, we are always aware of the ones that make it through. Hebe 'Champagne' can be included among the plants that did well during the exceptional winter of 2013-14 in our garden. This was found and developed by Naturally Native New Zeland Plants in Tauranga, NZ, in the early 1990's. There is speculation that this is a cross between Hebe bishopiana and an unknown hebe. The narrow, evergreen leaves are flushed purple when they emerge but go green as they mature. We grow this as a single specimen, but because of its low height and much larger width, it seems ideal for use as a shrubby ground-cover.

Summer.  20 in. x 36 in.

White flowers

Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10

20300 NW Watson Road  Scappoose, OR 97056
(503) 543-7474    (503) 543-6933 (FAX)